How to use an AutoClicker?

How to use an AutoClicker?

Auto-Clicker is a robust software that can easily automate repetitive and redundant mouse clicks. It can automatically click on any image, text, or icon when a particular key is pressed. These clicks can either be generated automatically or manually activated by the user. It works in two modes - on dynamic cursor location or a prespecified cursor location. Let’s dive into our detailed guide for using an auto clicker the right way.

How to use Auto Clicker?

Auto-Clicker is a 100% safe and secure software, which is easy to use. It automates and simplifies the tasks like game playing, mouse-clicking, etc. Some of the best Auto Clickers are - AutoInput, Tapping, AnkuLua, etc.

OP Auto Clicker is a robust tool that requires no coding and also has an easy-to-use recording feature. You can simply download this Auto Clicker and get started right away.

  • First, click on the ‘Add Robot’ button to add the Auto Clicker’s macro.

  • Then, mention the point to click. You can do this by moving the mouse to the targeted place and pressing any keyboard key. This particular point will get updated in the Add Robot window.

  • Thereafter, click on the ‘Click Interval’ spin button to set the time between the two clicks. Lesser value of Click Interval means faster clicks.

  • Then you need to mention the type of the click - left click of the mouse, right-click, double click, release the click, click and hold.

  • Finally, click on ‘Add Click’ to add it to the macro.

  • If you wish to add more mouse clicks, then repeat the above process.

  • After adding all the mouse clicks to the macro, mention the name of the robot, initiate the hotkey, and repeat the macro. The Macro can any number of times or keep running until the user presses the keyboard shortcut key.

  • In the end, you can save the macro to the list. Select the enable box so that when they start hotkey is pressed, the auto-clicking starts. And, when the end hotkey is pressed, the auto-clicking stops.

Changing Settings of the Hotkey

The user can easily change the settings of the Hotkey by doing the following:

  • Open the OP Auto Clicker application

  • Select the button - Hotkey Setting

  • Select the Start/Stop button

  • Choose the hotkey by pressing a key on the keyboard

  • The chosen key is the hotkey for PC now.


Thus, in this article, I have tried my best to explain to you how to use an Auto-Clicker with ease. If you follow this step- by step guide, you shall be able to do so without any hassles. If still, you have any doubts, you may leave your query in the comments section below, and I shall be happy to help you.