<Out of our Element>
Update: <Out of our Element> has officially disbanded. Thank you all very much for the wonderful times and memories!
<Out of our Element> is a small casual group of adults (20's - 50's) looking for mature adults that want to have fun progressing through normal content on a relaxed, low stress schedule. We have a handful of active players that play several days per week and we're most active weeknights and weekends. Our group uses Discord for communication in game and out.
Our Goal as a group is to provide a friendly environment for casual players. We accept players that are new to the game as well as veteran heroic raiders looking for a low stress, drama free environment. Our goal as a raid is to clear each tier on normal difficulty raiding one night per week from 8-10 pm EST.
Information for raiders:
Raid status: We start Uldir on September 13th!
Guildmember Services:
Members have a daily guild repair allowance.
We provide lockpicking services for our members.
We have a free-for-all bank tab with various foods, goblin gliders, other misc. items.
Leveling characters receive a set of netherweave bags and some getting started gold.
We have a "just ask!" policy if you need help with:
leveling and questing
grouping for dungeons (regular, heroic, mythic, or mythic+)
crafting and professions
setting up addons and your user interface
pretty much anything
A little more about us:
We formed in June 2017 with a core of 4 members.
We currently have ~20 members (some more active than others).
We do not / will not spam guild invites.
Guild ranks above member require a Battle.net authenticator.
Consider us if you:
want to raid but do not have a lot of time to commit to endgame raiding.
Are satisfied joining a group that is content with normal mode progression.
Are patient with players that are new to WoW, groups, dungeons, and raiding.
Would like to avoid elitists and drama stuff.
Would like a friendly place to call home, regardless of experience and in-game aspirations.
<Out of our Element> Code of Conduct:
1. Be respectful toward other players in game and in Discord communities.
2. Use expletives in moderation.
3. Refrain from trolling/spamming in game and in Discord communities.
4. Refrain from using racial slurs and vulgar references to sexual orientation.
5. Do not post NSFW content in Discord or in guild chat.
6. While lore-appropriate names are preferred, anything tasteful is allowed.
>> Community Link <<
>>Guild Application<<
Guild events are posted to the community calendar to reduce duplicates!
Thanks for reading!