Is anything specifically powering your git repositories such as a self-hosted GitLab instance? If you use such a system, you will already have the proper backup/restore tools included which is a better way to go about it (ie you'd create a backup of old server, install something like Gitlab on the new server and import the backup and it'll take care of any modifications that need to be made).

I'm suspecting that on the client side (could even be the same server but a different directory where a git clone was done in the past) it's still pointing to the old location. Maybe the IP was changed but not the path.

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So when you did a "git clone" just now, it asked for git@server1's password. When you did a "git ls-remote" earlier, it did not ask for a password for the new server at all, did it? Or was your output truncated.

Where was that command run from? Which computer/server? Which directory? There should be a .git directory wherever you were (it'll be in the root of the repository on the computer where you have it cloned). Please show the contents of the config file inside it.

For the commandline I think the du/sort method is the best. If you're not on a server you should take a look at Baobab - Disk usage analyzer. This program also takes some time to run, but you can easily find the sub directory deep, deep down where all the old Linux ISOs are.

All I did was set up a VPN connection on my server and connect to it from my laptop remotely. The only changes I had to make in Samba was to use the IP address in all the settings (Message Server, Database, etc) instead of the server name. It works very well for me. This way I can also access shared folders, and resources outside of Samba at the same time. Windows has a built in and easy way of adding the VPN functionality out of the box.

On the remote computer you will need to tell Samba where the Messaging server and Database are on the HOST network. In Samba go to Settings and Local Settings. Under Database change the connection string to that of the server hosting your database Internally. (As though you are directly connected to the network even though you are not). Do the same for your Message Server settings.

Let us say you meet someone to exchange some business secrets. Your advisor tells you that you have never meet that person before, and that it can be an impostor. Furthermore, for the next meetings with him, your advisor is not going to warn you anymore. That is what the message means. The person is the remote server, and your advisor is the ssh client.

Remote devtools support is provided in two parts: a server-side endpoint that accepts connections and a client application that you run in your IDE.The server component is automatically enabled when the spring.devtools.remote.secret property is set.The client component must be launched manually.

 First published on TechNet on Apr 26, 2016  

 Introduction  Hello Everyone! Allen Sudbring here, Platforms PFE in the central region. Today I wanted to share some information I have been working on with my customers concerning Microsoft's newest version of Window Server, Nano Server. Nano Server is a lightweight, stripped down version of Windows Server optimized for private clouds and datacenters. Nano server is our first version of Windows that has no shell and no user interface. Nano server is 100% remotely managed utilizing PowerShell and Server Manager.  Part 1 - Console  The only option available when logging into console of a virtual machine running Nano Server or connecting a crash cart to a physical Nano Server is this very plain emergency console: Not terribly flashy is it? After logging in, you are greeted with some very basic information about your server: From here you don't have a lot of options as far as very basic configuration of the server. You can restart and shutdown the server as well as Tab down to Networking and Firewall to change the IP address of the server and enable and disable rules in the built in firewall: Nano Server supports 64 bit tools, agents, and applications only. It is a very lightweight install and requires far fewer patches and updates than the server core or full version of Windows Server.  Part 2 - Image Creation Prerequisites, Features, and Roles  So how do I install this thing? Nano Server is unique as it's not "installed" like a traditional version of Windows Server. To install and configure a Nano Server, you first have to generate a VHD image that is configured to your specifications from the Windows Server 2016 install media. Before going any further, I need to put a disclaimer here:  The information in this blog post was created using Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4, and may change when the product reaches RTM.  There are a couple of prerequisites before you get started generating images for Nano Server: 1. Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 Install Media 2. Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview workstation to generate Nano Images. (Only required if harvesting domain blob to do offline domain join of image to Active Directory, more on domain join later) 3. Determine if Physical or Virtual Install 4. Configuration Options: a. Server Name b. IP address, gateway, and suffix (If not using DHCP) c. Roles d. Packages e. Domain Name (If doing offline domain join in image creation) The methodology for deploying a Nano server is a little different than deploying a traditional Windows Server. In the past, you deploy the server, configure it, and then install the roles, etc. for what the server would be doing. With Nano server, you do all that in the beginning when you're building an image for the server and then just boot it. You have to pick the roles and packages you want first, incorporate them, and then generate a VHD of the configured server. Point being, you don't want to miss a planning session when deploying Nano Server. As of Technical Preview 4, these are the roles and features supported on Nano Server:  Compute (Hyper-V clustered and stand-alone)  File server and storage host for Scale-Out File Server  DNS (File based only, AD Integrated not available)  Web Server (IIS with a default set of options. Packages can be added after install to enable more IIS features. More info here: -us/library/mt627783.aspx  Containers (Windows and Hyper-V) Table showing options for image creation:

Make sure that the server has not been configured to ignore network connections or (if you are attempting to connect remotely) that it has not been configured to listen only locally on its network interfaces. If the server was started with the skip_networking system variable enabled, it cannot accept TCP/IP connections at all. If the server was started with the bind_address system variable set to, it listens for TCP/IP connections only locally on the loopback interface and does not accept remote connections.

The server or client program might not have the proper access privileges for the directory that holds the Unix socket file or the socket file itself. In this case, you must either change the access privileges for the directory or socket file so that the server and clients can access them, or restart mysqld with a --socket option that specifies a socket file name in a directory where the server can create it and where client programs can access it.

Check whether the server is running on that host by executing telnet some_host 3306 and pressing the Enter key a couple of times. (3306 is the default MySQL port number. Change the value if your server is listening to a different port.) If there is a MySQL server running and listening to the port, you should get a response that includes the server's version number. If you get an error such as telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused, then there is no server running on the given port.

Added support for Shared Channels feature (Experimental, Enterprise Edition E20) by displaying information and icons for the shared channels and remote users. Also added shared channel filter for browser channels. This feature is available in Mattermost server versions v5.35.0+.

The mlflow.deployments and mlflow.sagemaker modules can deploypython_function models locally in a Docker container with SageMaker compatible environment andremotely on SageMaker. To deploy remotely to SageMaker you need to set up your environment and useraccounts. To export a custom model to SageMaker, you need a MLflow-compatible Docker image to beavailable on Amazon ECR. MLflow provides a default Docker image definition; however, it is up to youto build the image and upload it to ECR. MLflow includes the utility functionbuild_and_push_container to perform this step. Once built and uploaded, you can use the MLflowcontainer for all MLflow Models. Model webservers deployed using the mlflow.deploymentsmodule accept the following data formats as input, depending on the deployment flavor:

This is a command-line tool that scans for open NETBIOS nameservers on alocal or remote TCP/IP network, and this is a first step in finding ofopen shares. It is based on the functionality of the standard Windowstool nbtstat, but it operates on a range of addresses insteadof just one. I wrote this tool because the existing tools either didn'tdo what I wanted or ran only on the Windows platforms: mine runs on justabout everything.

You could also push that file to a different directory (other than the user's home directory). The one caveat to this is the user must have permission to write to the directory in question. Let's say you want to copy that file to a directory on the remote machine, named /data. As long as the remote user has access to that directory, the command would be:

# !!!Important Note!!! # Requires that the 'tar' binary is present in your container # image. If 'tar' is not present, 'oc cp' will fail. # # For advanced use cases, such as symlinks, wildcard expansion or # file mode preservation, consider using 'oc exec'. # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in namespace tar cf - /tmp/foo | oc exec -i -n -- tar xf - -C /tmp/bar # Copy /tmp/foo from a remote pod to /tmp/bar locally oc exec -n -- tar cf - /tmp/foo | tar xf - -C /tmp/bar # Copy /tmp/foo_dir local directory to /tmp/bar_dir in a remote pod in the default namespace oc cp /tmp/foo_dir :/tmp/bar_dir # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in a specific container oc cp /tmp/foo :/tmp/bar -c # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in namespace oc cp /tmp/foo /:/tmp/bar # Copy /tmp/foo from a remote pod to /tmp/bar locally oc cp /:/tmp/foo /tmp/bar be457b7860

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