
T cell response is produced by temporally-dynamic activities of polyclonal T cells (i.e. heterogenous T cells in natural settings, each of which has unique T cell receptor [TCR] structures).

We thus developed Tocky to investigate temporally dynamic mechanisms underlying T cell activation, differentiation and response.

1. Timer-of-Cell-Kinetics-and-Activity (Tocky とき).

Tocky is a single-cell method using Fluorescent Timer protein to analyse temporally-dynamic activities of individual cells in vivo.

Read our paper which reported Tocky, which established the use of TCR-Tocky (Nr4a3-Tocky) to analyse:

(1) temporal sequence of Treg development

(2) tonic TCR signalling in Treg and memory-phenotype T-cells; and

(3) antigen-reactive T-cells in neural inflammation.

2. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) for multidimensional analysis of multiple transcriptomes.

We used CCA to develop our Tocky for TCR signalling (Nr4a3-Tocky)

What is this for?

A single cell method using CCA (Single Cell CCA, SC4A)