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What is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a semi-synthetic opioid medication used for moderate to severe pain relief. It belongs to the group of drugs known as opioids. It is highly addictive; therefore, the chance of abuse is more if not taken under medical supervision. It is available both in the immediate-release formulation Buy Oxycodone online and extended-release formula. It is effective in managing chronic and acute pain. Oxycodone is on the World Health Organization (WHO) list of essential medicines.

The onset of Oxycodone is fifteen minutes, and the duration of the extended-release tablets buy Oxycodone online is apt for round-the-clock pain management. It is also administered post-surgery for providing pain relief.

The route of administration is oral, intramuscular, intranasal, subcutaneous, epidurals. The half-life of Oxycodone is 2 to 3 hours. Combination products are available with paracetamol and Acetaminophen.

Indication of Oxycodone

Oxycodone is safe in the first trimester of pregnancy and is approved in children under 12. It is an opioid medication used for moderate to severe pain relief, so it is often used in post-surgery pain relief. Buy Oxycodone online may induce some side effects that will go on their own. It is apt to consult with your doctor or Pharmacist for an accurate dose, which will help alleviate pain.

Side effects of Oxycodone

It may induce some side effects that will disappear on its own here are common side effects of Oxycodone:

  • Drowsiness

  • Euphoria

  • Depression

  • Itching

  • Dry mouth

Severe side effects include- Addiction, depression, aggression, hypo withdrawal, hypoventilation. Seek medical attention if you see any side effects.

Oxycodone is habit forming; therefore, it is essential to consult with your doctor to buy Oxycodone online for the accurate dose and tapering of the dose. Sudden stopping of Oxycodone may lead to withdrawal symptoms that also require medical attention in some cases.

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