Privacy Policy

Important: Data we collect includes no more than is crucial to provide full functionality of OnlineNet Manager service. We do not collect anything for tracking purposes and take all necessary measures to protect the information we get.

OnlineNet Manager collects and processes your Personal Data in accordance with this Privacy Policy for Mobile App and in compliance with the applicable data protection laws. This Policy provides you with the necessary information regarding your rights and our obligations and explains how, why and when we process your personal data. Our general principle is to collect only the information that is necessary to provide you with full functionality of our products and services.

Informations We Collect

When you are using our software

When you choose to use our app, you thereby accept providing us with your personal data listed above. This data is essential as it helps ensure the full functionality of OnlineNet Manager services.

When you use our native apps, we may collect certain information in addition to the information mentioned elsewhere in this Policy.  Some platforms may also collect aggregate, anonymous statistics, such as which type of devices and operating systems are most commonly used, the total number of installs, total number of uninstalls, and the total number of active users, and may be governed by the privacy policy and terms and conditions of Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Public Information and Third-Party Websites

Links to other websites:

Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, we are not responsible for the content of any website that we link to, and external sites are governed by their own terms and conditions and privacy policies.

Data security

We take data security very seriously. Access to our infrastructure and Secure Core servers is tightly controlled. All of the VPN servers are encrypted and we do not log VPN session data.

Disclosure of your information

We will only disclose the limited user data we possess when compelled by law for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including the safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security.

age limitation

Our services are not directed at or used by minors under the age of 18, nor do we collect any information from minors; if you are under age, please do not use our application, or use it with the company of your parents

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to periodically review and change this Policy, and will notify users who have enabled the notification preference about any change. Continued use of the Service will be deemed as acceptance of such changes.


If you have any questions or comments about the data and your privacy, please feel free to contact us by email