What If Matching Score is Low | Kundli Matching

Sometimes to convince others or themselves, people match the horoscopes online. You get almost similar opinion:

Now, there are some important questions here: why should we match the horoscopes and if yes, how to match horoscopes? Can marriage be successful without matching horoscopes?

It is more important for persons in love to know why we should match horoscope: is horoscope matching required in love marriage? Marriage matching is the matching of compatibility between two marriage aspirants as to how they will react, adapt, adjust and sacrifice for each other in different aspects of life. Don’t forget that life and relationships before marriage can change 360 degrees after marriage. Be it an arranged marriage or a love marriage, this classification ends once you are married. The foundation of compatibility between the two partners is the same for both categories. That is where marriage matching plays a role. You don’t match charts for marriage to score or lose points, but matching charts help you check the strengths and weaknesses of one partner’s chart with the counterbalancing strength/ability of the opposite partner’s chart to complement and supplement the same. There is no need to convince anyone why to match horoscope for marriage; just read how matching charts help you to select the best life partner.

How to Match Horoscope

Matching horoscope is not just checking the Ashtakoot score or the major Doshas, such as Mangal Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha, or Nadi Dosha. It is checking for compatibility between two people as to how well they will react to each other’s different life decisions.

One way is to start defying/disrespecting findings based on matching scores. Another way is to understand: Can we check two people’s compatibility using online tools? Does this consider the D-9 Navamsa, the main criterion for checking compatibility between two persons? You need a life partner who is with you in all good and challenging times, be it physical, mental, emotional, professional, or family-related matters. Can you put these factors in and get mathematical results? NO.

Just read two examples to understand how the proper matching of horoscopes can change your decision.

Can marriage with less than 18 be a good match – Yes?

Mostly, people say a matching score of below 18 is not good for marriage. But I say a matching score of even 10.5/36 can be a good match. I am fully conscious in giving an example with actual birth details and would welcome any comments/ criticism on this analysis from any expert in the field. Mind you, this is one of the examples.

Example 1.

Girl – Ms ST 18/06/1997, 07:50 AM, Kanpur, UP

Boy – Mr. AB 25/08/1997, 14:25 PM, Karad, Maharashtra

The compatibility began negatively but eventually reached a high score of 70% due to the cancellation of Dosha and Karaka matching. But I don’t know how many astrologers could do it.

Example 2 – Very classical horoscope matching – arranged marriage

Girl – Ms XY – 08.02.1997, 8.04 PM, Wellington, TN, India

Boy – Mr AB – 17.03.1997, 03.38 AM, Dwarka, New Delhi.

Overall, three factors are not good in the boy’s D-1 chart. The same way, all three factors are not good in the girl’s D-1 chart. So, no one is complementing each other’s charts.

In the D-9, two factors are good in boys’ charts but not the third one. In the girl’s D-9, only one factor is good, and the other two are not.

Final opinion—The Karakas for marriage do not match the desired level, so the overall compatibility is below average, and marriage is not recommended. If this is an arranged marriage, it is surely not recommended. You should rethink and then decide. See how things can change opinion from No to yes, then again, no. I doubt if this is possible online or by a novice. Read more about how to match horoscope. But if you still do not want to match horoscopes, do not follow the path of performing materialistic remedies for a successful marriage without matching horoscopes.

In today’s world, marriages break mostly for reasons ranging from incompatibility to work-related disparities. Don’t worry if the matching score is low because it does not stop you from getting the best life partner.

For any specific issues, connect with Dr Vinay Bajrangi at +91 9999113366

Source :- https://kundli-matching.com/blogs/horoscope-matching-score-low/