Get Legal Guide of Online Marriage Registration in Pakistan & Marriage Ceremony (2021)

Online Marriage Registration in Pakistan and Marriage Ceremony:

For online marriage registration in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate please contact Jamila Law Associates. When the Prophet married off Sayyidah Fatimah V, he instructed Sayyidina Anas “Go and fetch Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, and Zubayr and some Ansar we know from this that there is no harm in inviting our close people to a marriage ceremony for online marriage registration in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate. The wisdom behind it is that marriage should be well-known and announced. However, there should not be exaggeration and waste in the assembly. The few close ones who come together at the time are enough. (Islah ur Russum, (P-90)


One of my friends, a district officer, had to conduct his daughter's wedding. By the Grace of Allah, he was very simple and took the courage to shun all customs. He came to me and requested me to accompany him to his native village to solemnize the marriage. Since I was unable to go, he suggested that the marriage should be solemnized at the place of his posting, away from his home after online marriage registration in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate. Thus, the blessings of Sunnah came upon his local home too and people learned that marriage can be performed in this way also. Of course, the Ahadith are evidence that marriage is a simple affair.


During Sayyidah Fatimah's marriage, the Prophet delivered a comprehensive sermon and then asked the couple to give their assent. This shows that a father’s keeping himself away is against the Sunnah. A father should himself conduct his daughter's marriage and solemnize it because he is the guardian while the other is an agen through online marriage registration in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate. The guardian is preferred to the agent. Besides, this is the Sunnah, too, (Islah Russum, P-9) Care must be taken that one who solemnizes the marriage is a scholar, or who has received detailed instructions from a Cholar, Often, the Qudi (one who solemnizes the marriage) is unaware of the rulings and other issues of marriage, In fact, sometimes he does not solemnize it correctly so that the couple lives a life of sin, Some of the Qadis are very greedy and in their greed agree to do as they are told through the solemnizing is defective. (Islah ur Russum, P-67)

Fees of Online Marriage Registration in Pakistan:

Fees of online marriage registration in Pakistan and Nadra divorce certificate: There are other occupations like teaching the children, running factories and various professions and businesses. Anyone without distinction can do them and fees or remuneration are agreed upon beforehand, there is no one specializing in the field, and no one else is barred from doing it provided he is competent, and if anyone is barred that is only because of his inability or incompetence. If marriage is solemnized in the same way and those who invite anyone to do it pay the fees from their own pockets, the bridegroom's people not being specified for that, then it is allowed and correct. In short, other occupations and this work should not be differentiated (then it is allowed). (Imdad Ill-Fatawa v-3 P-374). Our best lawyer in Lahore Pakistan is here for services of all kind of online marriage cases.