Course DesigN for Student Success

National and statewide online course quality rubrics have established well-defined standards to create quality online courses. Incorporating the common standards identified by these rubrics increases online course quality, promotes greater student engagement, and improves results. However, applying these research-based standards can be challenging: instructors and course designers lack of time and limited access to information—and even the length of the rubrics—can be roadblocks to producing quality courses.

To overcome these roadblocks and promote online course quality we identified the common standards selected by these rubrics:

Below is our list of essential standards based on their presence in all six national and statewide quality rubrics (Baldwin et al., 2018).

12 Elements Quality Courses Share

Intuitive Navigation

"A logical, consistent, and uncluttered layout is established. The course is easy to navigate (consistent color scheme and icon layout, related content organized together, self-evident titles" (OSCQR)

Instructor Contact Information

"Contact information for the instructor is easy to find...Expected response time for instructor replies is included" (Blackboard). 


"The instructor articulates the purpose of all materials as to how they are related to the course and module learning objectives" (QLT) 

Accessible Course Content

"The course provides accessible text and images in files, documents, LMS pages, and web pages to meet the needs of diverse learners" (QM)

Student Interaction 

"Course offers opportunities for student to student interaction and constructive collaboration" (OSCQR). "Learning activities facilitate and support active learning that encourages frequent and ongoing peer-to-peer engagement" (QLT)

Community-building Communication & Activities 

"Course contains resources or activities intended to build a sense of class community, support open communication, and establish trust (at least one of the following - Ice-breaker, Bulletin Board, Meet Your Classmates, Ask a Question discussion forums)" (OSQCR)

Communication & Participation Expectations

"Expectations regarding the quality of communications (e.g., what constitutes a “good” answer) are clearly defined" (Blackboard) "Guidelines explaining required levels of student participation (i.e., quantity and quality of interactions) are provided" (OEI)

Technology Used to Engage & Facilitate Learners 

“Technologies are used creatively in ways that transcend traditional, teacher-centered instruction” (Blackboard) "Technological tools and resources used in the course enable student engagement and active learning" (QLT) 

Assessments Aligned with Objectives

"Course objectives/outcomes are clearly defined, measurable, and aligned to student learning activities and assessments" (OSQCR)


"Specific and descriptive criteria are provided for the evaluation of learners’ work, and their connection to the course grading policy is clearly explained" (QM) 

Institutional Links

"Links to institutional services (e.g., tech support, help desk, library, writing center) are included and easy to find" (Blackboard)

Course Policies for Behavior Expectations

"Course and institutional policies with which the learner is expected to comply are clearly stated within the course, or a link to current policies is provided" (QM)