Top Practices

Facilitating connections between learners' prior knowledge and experiences empowers learners to feel valued for their experiences, and helps them recognize the value of their diverse backgrounds and experiences. When learners see connections between their prior knowledge and experiences and the course material, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated to learn. Recognizing and integrating diverse experiences and perspectives helps to create an inclusive learning environment where learners feel seen and heard. Strategies to facilitate connections between learners' prior knowledge and experiences include:

Providing opportunities for learners to explore their social and cultural identities throughout the course can create a space where all learners feel valued and supported. Here are strategies to help learners discover their social and cultural identity. 

By incorporating these strategies, you can create a space where all learners feel valued and supported.

Engaging equitably and consistently with learners is an important aspect of creating a successful and inclusive course. Here are some strategies for achieving this:

Including clear and easily findable course expectations to help learners feel more assured of their ability to manage course requirements and achieve course outcomes. Here are some strategies: