Getting Oriented to Your Teaching Environment
At UMB, we use the online course platform or learning management system, called Blackboard. All of your courses are housed on Blackboard and all of your teaching will occur on the Blackboard site. You will need your UMID and password to access this site. Please speak to your Program Director or hiring manager to obtain this access information.
UMB Faculty Discuss Using Blackboard when Teaching Online
UMID, Password, and Blackboard Access
Faculty and staff will use UMID login credentials as part of a single-sign-on (SSO) system to gain access to many of the services provided by the university, including the Blackboard learning management system (LMS). The first step to accessing your teaching environment is to use your university-issued UMID to create a password so that you may log in to Blackboard. Employees are generally shown how and where to access this information during a human resource provided orientation. However, if you did not or were unable to attend an orientation, follow the steps below to set up access.
Step 1: UMID Login Reference
Step 2: Blackboard Instructors and Course Builders - Getting Started & FAQ
How can I check to see if my UMID account is active?
Employees, students, affiliates, and community system members can use the Online Campus Directory to check on the status of their UMB Account.
Search for your name in the Campus Directory. Remember to search by the name that would be listed on your employee, student, affiliate, or community system record.
For more information or assistance, please email the Help Desk at
Blackboard Orientation
If you are inheriting an online course in the Graduate School, you will meet with your Instructional Designer at the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, who will provide you with a hands-on overview of your course in Blackboard. In this in-person or virtual session, your Instructional Designer will show you how to use Blackboard, including features such as creating announcements, grading assignments, and posting on the discussion board.
The goal of this orientation meeting is to help you to feel very comfortable using the Blackboard system and technology. Please ask lots of questions! If you need a second session, we can make that happen, too.
Please email the now to request your orientation to your online course. This orientation needs to occur at least three weeks before the start of your course (and ideally even sooner, giving you more time to practice using the platform).
For more information or assistance, please email the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at
Blackboard Tutorials
In this section, common online teaching actions in the Blackboard learning management system used at UMB are provided for your review.
Request a Blackboard "Sandbox" Course
Faculty may be interested in exploring within and practicing how to use a Blackboard course that does not have any students enrolled to become more familiar with their teaching environment.
If you would like a Blackboard "Sandbox" Course, please email a request to the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning at
Note: You will need to have your UMID, Password, and Blackboard access set up to be enrolled in a sandbox course.