How to get targeted traffic for free

If you want to learn how to get targeted traffic for free on your new blog. Then learn from us and start driving some massive traffic on your new blog or product quickly.

Plus, over here, I will be teaching you how to get targeted traffic on your blog in any particular niche from those platforms. Because if you want to engage with your audience and promote your product, you will need targeted traffic for your blog.

But wait before getting started to know this,

On this platform, you will need to spend some of your time promoting your content.

First, build your audience side by side and then start promoting your link and product to them.

Remember when you will be starting working on any of these methods, which are listed below.

Just be consistent on any one of the platforms for at least one to two months. And do content bombarding on those platforms as per their terms and guidelines.

To get some organic reach from those platforms.

Use Pinterest

So over here, use this fantastic method to drive traffic for a longer time. Plus, you can start using this method to get organic traffic on your blog over here because many of the Pinterest images and infographics are raked on the google search engine.

Why this is a powerful platform Because over here, you can share enough of your content. Plus, get a highly engaged audience from here. Many new bloggers use this platform and drive more than 300k plus users on their new blog.

I said 300k plus users because I had seen many users getting this much traffic on their blog every month, generating more than $15,000 per month. By affiliate and ad network quickly.

Plus, you can easily share more than 45 pins per day on this great platform by these Tailwind guidelines. And you can also use the Pinterest scheduler to do your job easier.

Or you can go with the best tool for Pinterest, which is Tailwind scheduler. Which is available for free with fewer features, and they also have a paid plan which can easily fit in anyone's budget.

But if you also go with their free plan, which is also enough for a beginner.

As they have a tribe section where many tribe members will be sharing your content on their account in your niche easily for free. And this you will also have to do on your account.

So when I started using Tailwind was for this reason to get new users on my pins.

Plus, Pinterest is also straightforward to use, and you will find many up to date videos plus free courses online, which I think is enough for you to get started. I never purchase any Pinterest course. It just takes me a little time to gather all the information to grow faster.

So it's on you. But use Pinterest for some significant amount of traffic. Plus, for long-term traffic.

Use Quora For Quick Traffic

One of the best traffic methods will be Quora, by my suggestion, and I have also personally used Quora to drive some amount of traffic daily.

It would be best if you had the right strategy to work with on Quora. Because over here, you will need to write many answers and solve the reader's queries, then redirect them to your blog for in-depth information.

Plus, over here, it's not-like bombarding content. It's just that you will have to add value and not only promote your link. In one day, if you also write a single answer with detailed information, that will also be enough for you.

But you will need to write answers on top of the ranking question of quora.

So if you want to know how I find those questions, I have created a complete PDF for free download and a piece of detailed information on this.

Okay, so after finding your question, start writing answers on them. This question is easily ranking on google any other search engine. The points are that be consistent, write at least one answer a day, and don't do any huge promotion.

When you write answers after only, you will start seeing some traffic on those pages or posts you link with. Plus, you are getting a targeted audience easily by Quora.

Facebook Groups

Use facebook also to get instant traffic on your blog. Over here, you can get daily 100 to 200 users per day on your blog quickly. This means you will be driving more than 4000 visitors to your blog per month.

Over here, you will be using the Facebook groups in your niche as there are many groups as per any niche on Facebook. Which you can easily find and get added to them. Start using Facebook groups and drive massive traffic on your blog. Just send always good content.

Plus, over here, always post ten links in an hour and do this throughout the day when you will have some free time.

Okay, so these were some of the best ways to get targeted traffic for free. Some are quick, so some are methods to drive traffic for a longer time. So start using these to invest your time if you don't have money.

As we also know, seo will take time, so start with the free traffic methods. Which I always find best whenever I create a new blog. Or do guest posting and get free traffic if you can.

But wait over here. I will recommend you to build your community so you can in the future promote your content easily to the users of yours.

Like on,

Pinterest: Start inventing others' creators to contribute to your board and grow your board's followers and quickly grow your account.

Quora: Create your own space and grow your audience. Which is very easy. You will have to ask your audience daily more than 20 new questions and post your or other content on that space and grow the followers.

Facebook: Create your Group or Page and redirect some traffic means users from other groups grown to your, so it will be best for you to get huge traffic after some months quickly.

So this is how I am building my community on many platforms and then redirecting them to my posts and offers.

So good luck.