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Vikki Vargas NBC4: Physicians right here at Caduceus Medical Group say they asked a local laboratory for COVID-19 test packages and they got about 100 of them overnight. But there are particular requirements as to who can use them. Currently they are screening a few of these people and they're doing part of it in the parking lot. They're additionally evaluating online and in person. Dr. Gregg DeNicola does everything he can to make certain an individual gets a clinical screening and that its done safely. He begins with a video session.

Gregg DeNicola "Open your mouth as wide as you can and get the mouth as close to the cam as you can so I can see the throat. Open your mouth as wide as you can."

Vikki Vargas: If there are signs and symptoms people are after that checked for strep throat and the influenza. If both are negative they are swabbed for coronavirus. Beverly Towle states she had a fever and queasiness. She is 63 years old has diabetes mellitus and can not take a chance. Shes a baby-sitter. Physicians state the nose swab she is getting today will certainly take 5 to six days to come back. She has been told to stay home till the results are in.

Beverly Towle: "I need to escape caring for youngsters. I want to see to it I had the regular flu."

Vikki Vargas: Governor Newsom announced today Quest Diagnostics in San Juan Capistrano is finishing 1200 coronavirus examinations every day. Firm officials would certainly not confirm that number yet they did tell us they are increasing and can now obtain results in 2 to 3 days. Here in Laguna medical professionals intend to see to it individuals involve this office if it is clinically needed.

Dr. Gregg DeNicola: "I'm not concerned they're going to take advantage of it. Im concerned that an extremely small problem could be exaggerated. It might just be a stuffy nose that's not COVID however they desire the examination."

Vikki Vargas: Dr. DeNicola believes obtaining more tests will assist wellness officials track and control the spread.