ONI-6 Studio

ONI-6 Studio actually isn't a game development studio. I just adopted our friend group name because it's cool! 

About the Developer

As a self-taught solo game developer, I embarked on my journey in early 2023 with a passion for creating games and sharing my creativity. Since then, I have dedicated myself to honing my skills and pushing the boundaries of my knowledge in game development.

With meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of excellence,

 I have crafted "Cosmo Bistro"

my debut creation that reflects my commitment to create my own game 

with my own hand in the gaming industry.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a boundless imagination, I am constantly exploring new technologies, refining my craft, and seeking inspiration from diverse sources. My goal is to continue learning, growing, and evolving as a developer, with a vision to bring even more captivating and memorable games to life.

Join me on this exciting journey as I strive to leave my mark in the world of gaming, one pixel at a time.

Our Team

Thianlapas Thanasrilungkul

