Top 6 Features of Laravel Framework Which Makes it an Ideal Choice in 2021

Laravel framework and its great ecosystem tools for web application development enable you to rapidly build new applications and websites with intelligible, perfect code. It is one of the most trending repositories on GitHub with about 4500 stars and still counting. When you hire a Laravel consultant, you get to leverage the real potential of Laravel to develop advanced and unassailable web applications.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a simple PHP framework which is used frequently for web application development. The framework is well-known for its incredible characteristics such as high performance, reliability, articulated ORM systems, expandability, facilitates caching, modularity, finer efficiency, a multiplicity of authentication options, secure SQL processing, restful controller, uncomplicated coding rules, dedicated SQL builder, etc.

The great PHP framework allows the code developers for provisioning the routine flow, specific templating, and database manipulation/querying.

Key Features of Laravel Framework:

  • Authentication

This one is the most important factor when it comes to web app development. Developers are required to spend a hell lot of time writing the authentication code. When Laravel is updated to Laravel 5, it makes a simpler authentication. The framework contains an inbuilt authentication system. You are only required to configure models, controllers, and views to make the application work.

  • Innovative Template Engine

Laravel offers an innovative template engine which that enables developers to build a dynamic website. The available widgets can be used to build solid structures for an application.

  • Effective ORM

Laravel framework consists of an inbuilt ORM having easy PHP Active Record implementation. An effective ORM enables the developers to query the database tables by making use of the simple PHP syntax without the need to write any SQL code. It offers easy integration between the database tables and developers by providing each of the tables with their corresponding models.

  • Dependency Management

This is one of the greatest characteristics of Laravel. The main aspect of learning contemporary internet apps is to finely understand the IoC (the service container) functionality. In Laravel, the strongest instrument to manage class dependencies is the Control Invert (IoC) or service container. Dependency injection is a means to remove and inject hard-coded courses through a composer-like instrument.

  • Modularity

This one is the degree of separation and recombination of a web app’s parts. One can divide the company logic into different components that work together so as to function as a web application. It is considered for modular use. One can easily develop and design a wide-ranging company app by making use of a modular framework. It provides a very easy guide for the development of the Laravel of modules or packages.

  • Unique Unit-Testing

Laravel offers a unique unit-testing. The framework can run various test cases so as to check if the changes harm the web application or not. The developers can also write the test cases in their very own code in Laravel.


The above-discussed features of Laravel makes it the best across the developers’ community and have proved to be extremely useful to them. Through its classic architecture, Laravel is continuously making new followers amongst developers across the world. To know how it suits your project requirements, hire Laravel developers and get going with this amazing framework.
