Trudi Ready


This is my Diary: No script is needed! - It's my F******* Life. My Name is Natacha & my LIFE SUCKS! Like the Description of C'est la vie says - "That's Life" so the Goal is what you make out of it. So instead of committing Suicide, doing Drugs, drinking alcohol, or something negative to destroy my life, I choose to write down my Struggles and Adventures. This Podcast is the result of all the experiences, ups & downs, Tips & Advice, hard times & happiness, and more that I went through as a Single Mother, Friend, and Big Sister. I hope it may help someone out there along the way. PS: Don't make the same stupid mistakes I did! aha Just saying... and one more Thing!


Enjoy and Thank you for listening :) 


Caption for the image above

What we've done

Travel to make memories all around the world while you are at Home. 

Sensual Musique and good Food represent Trudi Ready by showcasing the best of Music Trends as well as podcast shorts of the Famous Podcast C'est la Vie.

Besides videos of single songs, cooking Videos and you can also find a lot of mixes of the Latest Episodes.

Travel your mind, Relax & Enjoy
