Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Thank you for using O,NEUL

Our mission is to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. To do that, we show you personalized content and ads we think you’ll be interested in based on information we collect from you and third parties. We only use that information where we have a proper legal basis for doing so.

We wrote this policy to help you understand what information we collect, how we use it and what choices you have about it. Because we’re an internet company, some of the concepts below are a little technical, but we’ve tried our best to explain things in a simple and clear way.

We collect information in a few different ways

1. When you give it to us or give us permission to obtain it

When you sign up for or use O,NEUL you voluntarily share certain information including your name, phone number, photos, comments, and any other information you give us. You can also choose to share your precise location using your device settings or through photos. We will still use your IP address, which is used to approximate your location, even if you don't choose to share your precise location. You will also have the option to share other information about yourself such as your gender, age and preferred language.

If you connect your Facebook, Google or other third-party accounts to O,NEUL, we use information from those accounts (such as your friends or contacts) to improve your O,NEUL experience. This is dependent on the privacy policies or settings for those accounts.

2. We also get technical information when you use O,NEUL

When you use a website, mobile application or other internet service, certain internet and electronic network activity information gets created and logged automatically. This is also true when you use O,NEUL. Here are some of the types of information we collect:

Log data.

When you use O,NEUL, our servers record information (“log data”), including information that your browser automatically sends whenever you visit a website, or that your mobile app automatically sends when you’re using it. This log data includes your Internet Protocol address (which we use to infer your approximate location), the address of and activity on websites you visit that incorporate O,NEUL features (like the “Save” button), searches, browser type and settings, the date and time of your request, how you used O,NEUL, cookie data and device data.

Cookie data.

We also use “cookies” (small text files sent by your computer each time you visit our website, unique to your O,NEUL account or your browser) or similar technologies to get log data. When we use cookies or other similar technologies, we use session cookies (that last until you close your browser or app) or persistent cookies (that last until you or your browser delete them). Some of the cookies we use are associated with your O,NEUL account (including information about you, such as the name you gave us) and other cookies are not.

Device information.

In addition to log data, we collect information about the device you’re using O,NEUL on, including the type of device, operating system, settings, unique device identifiers and crash data that helps us understand when something breaks.

Clickstream data and inferences.

When you’re on O,NEUL, we use your activity—such as which post you click on, post you create, and any text that you add in a comment or description—along with information you provided when you first signed up and information from our partners and advertisers to make inferences about you and your preferences. For example, if you create a post about travel, we may infer you are a travel enthusiast.

3. Our partners and advertisers share information with us

We also get information about you and your activity outside O,NEUL from our affiliates, advertisers, partners and other third parties we work with. For example:

Some websites or apps use O,NEUL features such as our “Share” button, or you may install our “Share” button for your browser. If so, we collect log data from those sites or apps.

Online advertisers or third parties share information with us to measure, report on or improve the performance of ads on O,NEUL, or to figure out what kinds of ads to show you on or off of O,NEUL. This includes information about your visits to an advertiser's site or purchases you made from them, or information about your interests from a third-party service, which we might use to help show you ads.

What we do with the info we collect

  • We’re committed to showing you content that’s relevant, interesting and personal to you. To do that, we use your information to provide and improve your experience, including:

    • Identify you when you use O,NEUL.

    • Recommend posts, boards, topics or categories you might like based on your activity on O,NEUL. For example, if we see you’re into restaurant, we may suggest food-related posts, boards or people that we think you might like, or show you food-related ads.

    • Respond to your questions or comments.

  • We have a legitimate interest for using your info in these ways. It's fundamental to what we do at O,NEUL and necessary in order to make O,NEUL and its features relevant and personalized to you.
    We also have a legitimate interest in making O,NEUL safe and improving our product features so you keep finding the inspiration you want. We all benefit when we use your information to:

    • Suggest other people who have similar interests. For example, if you follow interior design boards, we may suggest interior designers that you might like.

    • Review your messages on O,NEUL to detect activity that poses a risk to the safety of you, our community and/or members of the public.

    • Conduct analytics and research on who is using O,NEUL and what they are doing. For example, by logging how often people use two different versions of a feature on O,NEUL, we can understand which version is better.

    • Improve O,NEUL and offer new features.

    • Advertise O,NEUL products and services to you on other sites. You can choose for us not to share your information with other sites to personalize those ads.

    • Send you updates (such as when certain activity, like saves or comments, happens on O,NEUL) and news by email or push notification, depending on your settings. For example, we send weekly updates that include posts you may like. You can decide to stop getting these notifications by updating your settings.

  • We have a legitimate interest in delivering ads that are relevant, interesting and personal to you in order to generate revenue. To further these interests we use the information we collect to:

    • Decide which ads to show you. For example, if you show an interest in sightseeing place on O,NEUL, we may show you ads for other travel products. We customize the ad content we show you by identifying your interests based on your onsite and offsite activities, as well as by using information we receive from ad partners or other third parties. Where we use cookies to identify your offsite interests, we’ll get your consent where we need to. Where ad partners or other third parties share information with us about you, we rely on the consent they already obtained.

    • Tell our ad partners how their O,NEUL ads are doing, and how to make them better. Some of this information is aggregated. For example, we would report to an advertiser that a certain percentage of people who viewed a Promoted Post went on to visit that advertiser's site. In other instances, this information isn’t aggregated. For example, we would let an advertiser know that a particular Promoted Post has been saved by certain people.

  • We have a legitimate interest in using information we collect to customize your O,NEUL experience based on your offsite behavior. For example, if you visit websites that sell shoes, we may suggest shoes post to you. When we identify your interests based on your offsite behavior with cookies, we (or our partners) will obtain any consent that we may need.
    In addition to the specific circumstances above, we’ll only use your information with your consent in order to:

    • Allow searching with photos. For example, if you take a photo of a pair of shoes or a piece of furniture you like, you can ask us to show you similar items. You can opt in to this in your device operating system settings.

    • Send you marketing materials by email, text, push notification or phone call depending on your account or operating system settings. Each time we send you marketing materials, we give you the option to unsubscribe.

    • Identify your precise location and customize the content we show you. For example, if we know that you’re near a retailer we may show you that retailer’s posts that may be of interest to you. You can opt in to this in your device operating system settings.

  • We’ll also rely on your consent where we use cookies to show you ads you might be interested in. We use cookies to identify your interests based on your offsite activity. We do this for people currently using O,NEUL and for new folks, and it helps us customize how you get started on O,NEUL.

Transferring your information

O,NEUL is a worldwide service. By using our products or services, you authorize us to transfer and store your information outside your home country, including in the United States, for the purposes described in this policy. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your personal information in such countries may not be equivalent to those of your home country.

Choices you have about your info

Our goal is to give you simple and meaningful choices regarding your information. If you have a O,NEUL account, many of these controls are built directly into O,NEUL or your settings.

How and when we share information

Anyone can see the public boards and posts you create and profile information you give us. We also make this public information available through what are called APIs (basically a technical way to share information quickly).

How long we keep your information

We keep your information only so long as we need it to provide O,NEUL to you and fulfill the purposes described in this policy. This is also the case for anyone that we share your information with and who carries out services on our behalf. When we no longer need to use your information and there is no need for us to keep it to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, we’ll either remove it from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can't identify you.

Our policy on children’s information

Children under 13 are not allowed to use O,NEUL. If you are based in the EEA you may only use O,NEUL if you are over the age at which you can provide consent to data processing under the laws of your country.

Your options

You have options in relation to the information that we have about you. To exercise these options, please visit your account settings.

How we make changes to this policy

We may change this policy from time to time and if we do, we’ll post any changes on this page. If you continue to use O,NEUL after those changes are in effect, you agree to the new policy. If the changes are significant, we may provide a more prominent notice or get your consent, as required by law.