Do you know anyone like this? I hope you do. Are you someone like this? I know that some of you are. You are a Philemon, one who brings joy, comfort, love and refreshment to the saints around you because of your willingness to encourage people and be there to ease their burdens. It brings you joy, and brings joy to the ones you help. You show us the heart of God, often when we need to see it the most. And we smile when we think about you.

Chi-Chi Beauty Parlour and Entertainment Presents Onesimus and Zeze Kingston Show. The event will cover two days in separate location. On 29 April the show will take place at Pakwathu (formally Amadoda,1 Stand Street) in CapeTown and on 30 April will take place at Jijuca (46 Enerst Oppenheimer Ave Bruma in Johannesburg 2026) South Africa.All the the events will be spiced up with performances by Onesimus and Zeze Kingston.Come One ..Come All... SEE YOU THERE!!!

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When slaves were freed in the first century, they often stayed in the employment of their former slaveowners if they had been treated well or had few other opportunities. Although slaves were encouraged to get an education and were often more taught than their masters, they would not necessarily find gainful employment upon release. It was by no means a guarantee that freed slaves would have a better life in freedom than in bondage, especially if their former owners did not have the funds needed to employ their newly freed slaves or were unable to sell them some property with which they could start anew. Again, this is not to glorify ancient slavery; rather, it shows that personal freedom was not esteemed as highly back then as it is in the modern West. Manumission could be a ticket to a poorer life for a former slave.

Paul has clearly and fully expressed his desire to keep Onesimus. Now he indicates that he has subordinated his personal wishes to the good of Philemon, so that Philemon might have an opportunity to do a good act (to agathon sou) freely. This attitude models the concern for the good of others that Paul has seen in Philemon previously (v. 7) and that he will now ask Philemon to show with respect to Onesimus.

Answer: The best answer is C) Problem and solution helps the author show how Onesimus Mather solved the problem of his enslavement. The passage mentions that smallpox was spreading in Boston and that the colonists did not know how to prevent it. Onesimus Mather, who was enslaved, was able to share knowledge about a method to slow or stop the spread of smallpox. This suggests that the author is presenting a problem (the spread of smallpox) and a solution (Onesimus Mather's knowledge). This structure supports the author's purpose of showing how Onesimus Mather solved the problem of his enslavement by sharing his knowledge and making a significant impact on history.

whom I have begotten in my bonds:

 which is to be understood of a begetting again, or of regeneration; not as if the apostle was the efficient cause of it, as the nature of it shows, it being expressed by men's being born from above; by their being quickened, when dead in trespasses and sins; by being made new creatures, and transformed in the renewing of their minds; by Christ being formed in them, and by a partaking of the divine nature; and who is sufficient for these things? besides it is expressly denied to be of man, but is always ascribed to God, Father, Son, and Spirit; but as being the instrument and means of it, through the preaching of the Gospel, the word of truth, by which God of his own will, and by the power of his grace, regenerated this person; and this is said to be done "in his bonds": by which it appears, that the word of God was not bound, but had a free course, and was glorified, and the bonds of the apostle were the means of the spread of it; and that it was attended with great power, to the conversion of souls: and this circumstance is mentioned to engage Philemon to regard the entreaty of the apostle; he had been the instrument of begetting many souls to Christ; but this man was begotten by him in his bonds, when he was a prisoner, and so was peculiarly dear to him.

Paul might sound as if he is merely suggesting that Philemon takes Onesimus back as a brother rather than a slave, so that this is not to be taken as a Christian obligation. But I think that vv. 8-10 show that Paul could have ordered Philemon to do these things, but he is appealing on the basis of love out of preference.

In response, the Television personality said 6th contract was terminated by stage management because he showed up late. DT added that the musician overrated himself to the extent that he wanted to be the last to perform as if he was a headliner.

In this letter, Paul reminds Philemon of his debt to God that was forgiven in his baptism and asks that he show the same mercy to Onesimus who is now his brother in Christ. Do you show the same mercy to others that God has shown to you? Is there someone God is asking you to forgive?

Frank, Dr. Black at Harding Grad in his Advanced Intro to the NT introduced this idea. It makes sense to me. Paul shows in his letter that he knows Philemon well and certainly Onesimus would have known about Paul although we don't know if Paul actually knew him before his arrival in Rome. I don't remember Dr. Black's sources but I will check my notes tomorrow and see. I'll have to check out Fitzmeyer's commentary on Philemon. I think this idea fits the letter well. I agree that we should be careful to compare America's slavery industry with the first century's. 

Looking forward to more about Larimore.

With Onesimus and Malome Vector both being award-winning musicians, 'My Woman' showcases their exceptional vocal performances and songwriting skills. Combined with the mesmerizing vocals of Lizwi Wokuqala and the rhythmic rap verses of Janta MW, the track creates an irresistible fusion of talent and artistry.

Paul did not say what Philemon had done, but he did mention that it had been refreshing for the saints. Perhaps Philemon had come to their financial relief, or had performed works of service for them, or had done them some other benefit. Whatever it had been, Philemon had done it well and with a good heart. And since Onesimus had become part of the church, Paul expected Philemon to show him the same love.

The application to Philemon and Onesimus is not hard to see. Onesimus had wronged Philemon Paul affirmed that this was true. Yet, he asked Philemon to love consistently, to show Onesimus the same love that he showed to other believers. He asked Philemon to bear up patiently under the wrong he had suffered, and to forgive Onesimus rather than punish him. By affirming Philemon 's love, Paul encouraged him to be consistent in his character, and not to let his anger overrule his love when it came to Onesimus.

The Onesimus that Paul described here was a very different man from the one who had come to him asking for a mediator. Onesimus had been a worthless slave. But he had been converted to Christ; he had repented of his sin, and mended his ways, showing his good faith by putting forth earnest effort to care for Paul in prison. And because Paul knew that Philemon was a loving Christian, he expected Philemon to rejoice at the news that Onesimus had come to Christ, and to forgive his transgressions as he would any other Christian who sinned against him.

Additionally, it appears that Paul wanted to show Philemon respect, and to give his benevolence the benefit of the doubt. Then, if Philemon treated Onesimus well, it would provide greater encouragement both to Paul and to the church. This was Paul 's reasoning in Philemon verses 7 through 9, where he wrote in this way:

Notice what Paul did here: he appealed to Philemon for a personal favor, as if Paul himself were the one who needed Philemon 's grace. He did not argue that Onesimus deserved to be restored to Philemon. On the contrary, he implied that Onesimus deserved punishment. And he did not ask Philemon to show Christ-like mercy to Onesimus.

Paul hoped that Philemon would so respect Paul that he would extend mercy to Paul 's spiritual son Onesimus. And so, in his petition, Paul asked Philemon to minister to the apostle by showing kindness to his son, whom he loved with all his heart.

We can be certain that Paul wanted the best for Onesimus, and that Philemon knew how to meet the apostle 's expectations. But Paul 's vague language makes it impossible for us to know whether he was simply asking Philemon to forgive Onesimus and to treat him as an honored slave in his house, or if he was asking for Onesimus ' legal freedom. And without knowing more details about Onesimus ' skills and circumstances, it is hard for us to guess which outcome would have benefited him more. But in all cases, it is clear that Paul 's petition was designed to secure a good life for Onesimus, one in which he was treated with Christian honor and respect, and shown love and mercy by the church.

One reason that Paul 's epistle to Philemon is so important is that it shows us how Paul applied his own theology in his own life. As we look at his letters to the Colossians and the Ephesians, we find many general statements and hypothetical applications of his teachings. And these are extremely helpful to us. But in his letter to Philemon, we have moved beyond the general into the specific, beyond the hypothetical into the actual, beyond instruction to action. We see Paul as a Christian living consistently with his doctrine.

In summary, through Paul 's use of witnesses to Philemon 's interactions with Onesimus, we learn that the church can prevent sin and encourage good works by showing disapproval for sin, by offering encouragement, and by submitting to the church 's wise counsel.

Of all the characteristics that Christ demonstrated during his earthly ministry, it is perhaps his compassion that was the most striking. Yes, he had a zeal for holiness and reverence, and his emphasis on righteousness and morality is undeniable. And he showed unparalleled wisdom and integrity and dignity. e24fc04721

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