OneNote printer is a nightmare for me. I removed it from Printers countless of times. It always comes back. Sometimes as a default printer, sometimes as a regular one. How can I get rid of it once and for good?

If I try to Insert Files as Printouts, I get the error message

referenced above: "the OneNote print driver is not installed

properly. Go to the Help menu and click Office Diagnostics to repair

your installation." Office Diag didn't help.I tried the method below to fix that problem, but now when I try to

send to OneNote, I get the error: "An error has occurred in a script

on this page."Any suggestions?Here's the method I tried:Add Printer - Local - Do not detect.

Use the following port: Send to Microsoft OneNote port.

Select a printer. I use Fujistsu Breeze 100. It shouldn't make a

difference which printer you use. That just happened to be the one I

chose the first time I did it and so I have used it ever since.

Printer Name: Print to OneNote, of course.Do not share, do not print a test page.Finish.Get properties on the printer and under Advanced click the drop down

and select the Send to Microsoft OneNote driver.Also Under Advanced select Print Processor and choose the

OneNotePrint2007 and leave as RAW.Under Ports make sure it's set to the "Send to OneNote" portClose all property windows and "voila!" you have a new Print to


Printer.Kelvin Krastel

Not a OneNote MVP :wink:

Onenote 2016 Printer Driver Download

Download šŸ”„ šŸ”„

> Send to OneNote disappeared from my printer list in IE 8--a recent

> "upgrade." I'm running XP SP3.


> If I try to Insert Files as Printouts, I get the error message

> referenced above: "the OneNote print driver is not installed

> properly. Go to the Help menu and click Office Diagnostics to repair

> your installation." Office Diag didn't help.


> I tried the method below to fix that problem, but now when I try to

> send to OneNote, I get the error: "An error has occurred in a script

> on this page."

Try the following:

1.) In the list if installed software (Control Panel | Add or remove

software) select OneNote and run the "Repair" option.2.) If this does not cure the problem, run "Repair" un the cascade of

dialog select "Custom install" and the deselect the feature "Send to

OneNote" printer. let the install run through.

Then run the same again and in the dialog select the printer feature and

let the install run through.

The printer should be present again thereafter.Rainald

I finished step 2. but in step 3, where it says "Identify the printerĀ 

(sometimes a pdf printer) installed after OneNote," what does that mean? NoneĀ 

of the 3 printers (1 my home printer, another my university printer, anotherĀ 

XPS document) has Send to OneNote ticked. What should I do now? "John Guin [msft]" wrote:> Hello RK,


> Sory for the problems. There is a troubleshooting guide atĀ 

> -to-fix-missing-printer-icon.aspx which may help. Give it a shot.



> --Ā 

> Thanks,

> John Guin

> OneNote Test Team




For some reason my linking directly didn't work so I just copied and pastedĀ 

the post (from 12/12/2007) from a discussion called "Onenote 2007 printer notĀ 

found".Good luck, hope this works.

------------------------------------------------------------------------"This has happened at the office on several computers. After

uninstalling and re-installing the entire office suite several different

times (which DOES NOT always work - by the way) I figured out how to

install the printer directly.Add Printer - Local - Do not detect.

Use the following port: Send to Microsoft OneNote port.

Select a printer. I use Fujistsu Breeze 100. It shouldn't make a

difference which printer you use. That just happened to be the one I

chose the first time I did it and so I have used it ever since.Printer Name: Print to OneNote, of course.Do not share, do not print a test page.Finish.Get properties on the printer and under Advanced click the drop down

and select the Send to Microsoft OneNote driver.Also Under Advanced select Print Processor and choose the

OneNotePrint2007 and leave as RAW.Under Ports make sure it's set to the "Send to OneNote" portClose all property windows and "voila!" you have a new Print to OneNote

Printer.Kelvin Krastel

Not a OneNote MVP :wink:





"RK" wrote:> Didn't work. Any other advice?

Hope you are doing well and sorry to hear that. As described the option send to one note foe Win 10 is missing in the printer list and you are unable to print to one note for Win 10 from Acrobat 2017.

Outlook utilizes the print drivers installed on the computer. You do not need to install printers specifically for Outlook or OneNote. When you integrate OneNote with Outlook and enable the OneNote add-in, all printers correctly configured on your computer will be available for printing from both the Outlook client and from OneNote.

First, make sure your printer drivers are installed and functioning correctly on your computer. To install print drivers, connect the printer to your computer, and then run the installation program that shipped with the unit. If your printer did not ship with software, connect the printer to your computer while it is connected to the Internet to automatically install the necessary drivers. Print a test page, when prompted during the installation process, to ensure the device is working properly.

In the VDA environment users are producing printer driver errors stating that the 'print driver for "Print to PDF" and "Send to Microsoft OneNote 16 Driver" may not be used in conjunction with a non-inbox port monitor.'

What Citrix Policies do you have that are configured regarding printers and printer settings in the environment? From your description, it sounds like you might have Auto-create client printers enabled; this would map (or attempt to map) all printers on the user's workstation in to the session at the start of every new session.

Microsoft OneNote has the ability to capture text from any source using a virtual printer driver that Windows displays as a menu option labeled "Send to OneNote" when you print a document. If you do not see this option when you print a document and you know that Microsoft OneNote is installed, the printer driver may be damaged or corrupted. Run a repair operation on Microsoft Office to reinstall the damaged printer driver and resolve the issue.

Click the "Repair" radio button and click "Continue." If you did not elect to cache the installation data for Microsoft Office on your computer when you installed it, Windows may prompt you to insert the Microsoft Office installation CD at this time. Insert the disc, if prompted to do so. Windows will scan the computer for missing or damaged files; if any are found, they will be repaired automatically. During this process, the OneNote virtual printer driver is reinstalled.

Sorry - I must have hit the wrong button when I posted. What I was wondering if it would be possible to develop a printer driver similar to Microsoft's 'Print to OneNote', where Joplin would appear as a printer in the options list when you go to print a file. I've written Windows and Linux device drivers in the past and I'm familiar with level of the complexity, but as I understand it printer drivers are a whole different beast.

I've had to modify print drivers on Windows before. But I don't think it would just be a print driver that's needed, it would also be a "Printer" to use the print driver and show up in the list of printers. I never found any use for the Print to OneNote because I just created the note and copied/pasted from the source to OneNote. But you've sparked my curiosity and I'd like to know how a Print to Joplin would be used in such a way that developing a print driver would make it worth the effort. I'm really not trying to be rude and I hope it doesn't come across that way, I'm truly curious and wondering if I'm missing something here.

ThMrAnderson - fair question, and not rude at all. I use a number of applications for both work and personal activities that process or store in a format that isn't directly supported by Joplin (MS Visio is the first one that comes to mind, but there are a number of others), so I'd have to save/print to an intermediate file/format and then import that into Joplin. On some days I use the OneNote printer a dozen or more times during the day to save content to OneNote, which would add a lot of extra steps with Joplin.

Fair enough. So you'd have to take that format and convert it into something Joplin could understand. If you use the web clipper, I'd assume it might be easiest to take it to HTML. If this is the case, wouldn't the driver need to pre-check the source to ensure the "print" can even happen?

As I understand it, most applications convert printer output to a common format such as GDI, XPS, PScript, etc. to send it to a printer, which would then need to be converted into something Joplin can consume. I haven't done any deep dive into exactly what would be required - I wanted to check first to see if anyone has done something similar first.

You can manually install the old version of the driver, but that just gives you an error message when you try to print. Instead, you need to go to Printers & scanners in Settings, click on the Send to OneNote driver and choose Manage, then choose Printer properties and go to the Advanced tab.

There isn't a workaround for Windows on Arm users; the Send to OneNote 2016 driver doesn't install at all when you install the desktop version of OneNote as I discovered when I recently started using a Surface Pro X. You can't install the print driver manually because it's never been compiled for ARM64. Microsoft is planning to do that, but we don't know how quickly it will be available.

Please tell me is the server being accessed through RDP?Ā 

According to my research, this error often occurs when you RDP from a desktop with various print drivers.Ā 

OneNote itself is not relevant to this, RDP will do this if you have it set to redirect the print drivers on the client to the machine you are accessing.Ā 

If so, on the Remote Desktop Connection Screen, please click on Options, click on Local Resources Tab, and uncheck Printers in the Local devices and Resources to turn it off. ff782bc1db

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