Support the PTA

Every one of your generously donated dollars goes directly back into our schools. Please consider a tax-deductible donation by clicking on the Paypal Donate button below.

All donations to the Oneka Elementary PTA are tax deductible. While the IRS only requires your cancelled check or credit card receipt as proof of donation,
we are glad to provide acknowledgement of your generous gift by mail. If you would prefer to receive an additional donation receipt after donating,
please fill out this form. Thank you!

Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for Education has an exciting NEW way to collect your box tops! No longer must you cut apart the packaging of your favorite products. Now, you simply need to download the FREE app (see short video on left), choose Oneka Elementary PTA, take a photo of your receipt, and Box Tops for Education tallies the box tops and sends us the money! And best of all? For now, we can double dip! Take a pic of your receipt AND clip those box tops for DOUBLE the cash! Box Tops, clipped and bagged, can be turned in to your teacher or to a drop box in the office. Please double check the expiration dates and be sure to mark your teacher's name on the bag for an upcoming contest!


Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice! AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know and love. Same products, same prices, same service. Simply go to and select "PTA Minnesota Congress Hugo Elem PTA Dba Oneka Elem PTA " as your charitable organization.

PTA Partners

The Oneka PTA is proud to partner with many of our local businesses- they support our fundraising efforts and donate time, talent and funding to our programs. Please see this page for a listing of our closest partners and consider patronizing them as another way to indirectly support the Oneka PTA's efforts.