Whenever I login to my onedrive personal account (via edge), I get this empty screen. When I login from my Macbook, or from a private window, all files are there. Tried logging out, restarting, cleaning cache... Still the same. When I login with my work-account, all files are present.

Any idea how to fix this? Files are online, they are visible via other pc's, just not on my personal pc (recent win11 installation). When I login to my personal onedrive, is also shows about 4.3gb is used, but no files are shown. Again, on the same pc/edge, when I login to my work-account are files are there from my work-account. From my personal account, I only see the files when using a private window or when using a different pc.

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Trying to find a way to empty the recycle been more frequently then the 30 days. Been looking in the below thread but cant really figure out how to get it to completely empty it. All steps is not fully visible and im not an engineer myself.

There is a delete POST in the bottom of the thread and cant figure out how to use that.

Any guidance? 


Thanks for the solution! Can someone share the whole flow/code to copy-paste? I want to delete all items, empty recycle bin without exception. I don't know how to use your attached file. Thank you very much!

Unfortunately they didn't check anything after this and continued on with reinstalling Windows. They then synced the OneDrive on the new Windows install and they realized that OneDrive had only synced the folders and not the files. All that was synced was empty folders!

Yesterday I realized that I deleted the file. I just restored the folder from the local recycle bin, it restored the top folder empty. After I restore the folder from recycle bin, there is no contents inside the local and online recycle bin(include 2nd recycle bin). All the contents which were in the folder was gone.

However, I've run across and issue where it tells me I am out of storage space in OneDrive (from within Teams). Some of these PowerPoints have imbedded videos, which makes their file sizes pretty big. If I edit one, then I will delete the current version saved in the OneDrive inside Teams, and then upload the new version. However, it is now telling me that I am out of disk space even though I am literally doing a one for one swap of the files. The only thing I can figure out is that when I delete the file from within Teams, it is moving the file to a recycling bin somewhere which means it is still taking up disk space. I need to find that recycling bin and empty it so it will let me upload files again.

I appreciate the help, but as I mentioned, the files I add to OneDrive in Teams are definitely not part of the OneDrive website or in the OneDrive folders in Windows Explorer. I don't know where they are being added, but definitely not anywhere that I can find outside of Teams. I think if I find out where they are being stored, that is where I will find the recycling bin that I can empty.

My local machine had been rebuild (i.e. windows reinstalled) - and onedrive doesn't recognise the fact that the files I have locally are the same as the ones in one-drive, causing sync issues. I moved local files away - but that didn't help and the ones in onedrive are still reported as causing sync issues. I don't want these files to sync in the first place.

You can try this:

Use cyberduck to open your vault directly online and thus check if the vault is ok.

If the online vault is ok, disable your sync client, delete the local vault files of the vault that appears to be empty, delete the vault from your Cryptomator app, manually download the vault files from your online storage into the local directory where the sync client should have downloaded it (means: sync your vault but do it manually to exclude possible issues with the sync client), and add the vault again to Cryptomator.

Hello Michael

You remember that we exchanged on the problem I had (and still have) with my crypted vault. My old computer is now back from repair - but unfortunately the ASUS team had to erase all data, so I am back to square one with my computer.

As mentioned earlier, I use OneDrive - and I can see that my crypted vault on OneDrive appears fine (it has a D and M directories + the Masterkey and a couple of backup files (all in all 2.2 Go of files). I did not forget the password, and it seems to work fine, except that, as mentioned before, the decrypted vault looks empty on Windows, even when I show hidden files - but at the same appears as a 237 Go container (same size as my C: drive) with 58 Go of used space. How is this possible and what do you suggest I do?

One more question. What do you mean by OneDrive client? I can adjust the parameters of my OneDrive but do not find anywhere how to configure where the downloaded/sync files should go. Apart from that I use Windows explorer to connect to OneDrive and nothing else.

Many thanks for your help.


See below images

What is worst is that my onedrive keeps warning me that I have recently deleted several files. It sends me a constant reminder whenever I am working on R.

Any help would be greatly appreciated it. Thank you so much

No matter how you delete your OneDrive files, you will need to empty the recycle bin to fully remove them. The easiest way to do this is to go to the OneDrive website and select the Recycle Bin from the menu on the left. Once open, select certain files and click Delete or choose Empty Recycle Bin to delete them all. Confirm this action in the pop-up window. This will permanently delete the files from OneDrive and all connected devices.

Exact same thing happened with me too, 6000 of my travel photos gone. I contacted samsung and they told me I never had any of those photos at the time I moved to onedrive and then never replied as I was also hoping they had a backup. I am devastated as the whole point in having them in the cloud was so that I never lost them!

I was transferring photos to my computer and was wondering why none of my files was appearing. I looked at my photo details and I noticed OneDrive logos and file names as "/onedrive/samsung gallery/DCIM/(photo name).jpg". Why would it have"/onedrive" as a file name I wondered?

I tried to restore the file from the recycling bin but of course it wouldn't because free users only get 5GB of space and I was trying to restore 12GB worth of photos that I didn't know was automatically uploaded as "onedrive" photos!

This has happened to me as well. Seems to have been a typical story: (i) my 5GB free OneDrive storage quickly fills up with photos and so I keep getting messages from Microsoft trying to get me to pay for extra storage; (ii) I go to OneDrive and delete the photos; (iii) I also empty the recycle bin since whatever is in there counts towards your 5Gb of storage; and (iv) when I went to my phone today, I was surprised [and very upset] to see that 2 months of photos are no longer on my phone.

Same thing just happened to me and I am gutted. I never wanted one drive. I had never set it up but i just kept getting annoying notification that can't be cleared about my storage being full and asking to upgrade. So I just decided to delete them just to make it go away. Now my albums are half empty. Moving to apple and not looking back

Yes Onedrive appears to have messed everything up even after I turned it off now I have a desktop under users and a desktop under onedrive. The location my PC is automatically looking now is at the onedrive folder.

OneDrive web (onedrive.live.com) doesn't show any files/folders. The area where the files/folders should be displayed is just empty.Now the reason I believe this might be a Firefox issue is because I don't have that problem when I use OneDrive on a Private window. OneDrive on a Private window works just fine, the issue is on the regular non-private window where I wan't my session to stay open.

Note: If you're signed into OneDrive with a Microsoft account, items in the recycle bin are automatically deleted 30 days after they're put there. If your recycle bin is full, the oldest items will be automatically deleted after three days. If you're signed in with a work or school account, items in the recycle bin are automatically deleted after 93 days, unless the administrator has changed the setting. See more information about how long deleted items are kept for work or school accounts.


To restore deleted items in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, or using the OneDrive desktop app: When you delete files on OneDrive using File Explorer, they're moved to your computer's desktop Recycle Bin. Unless your Recycle Bin is overflowing, the files stay there until you empty the Recycle Bin.

Starting from July 2023 SHA1 support is being phased out in OnedrivePersonal in favour of QuickXorHash. If necessary the--onedrive-hash-type flag (or hash_type config option) can be usedto select SHA1 during the transition period if this is importantyour workflow.

Any files you delete with rclone will end up in the trash. Microsoftdoesn't provide an API to permanently delete files, nor to empty thetrash, so you will have to do that with one of Microsoft's apps or viathe OneDrive website.

Before rclone 1.62 an SHA1 hash was used by default for OnedrivePersonal. For 1.62 and later the default is to use a QuickXorHash forall onedrive types. If an SHA1 hash is desired then set this optionaccordingly.

As a rule of thumb if nearly all of your data is under rclone's rootdirectory (the root/directory in onedrive:root/directory) thenusing this flag will be be a big performance win. If your data ismostly not under the root then using this flag will be a bigperformance loss.

Then accidents come from here. Some users have permanently deleted their files by emptying the bin or removing them again from the bin. And now, they are wondering how to recover files deleted from OneDrive recycle bin. ff782bc1db

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