A community reading project from the Woodland Hills School District.

Here for the video Q&A with Nana? Refresh this page on Tuesday, March 5 around 1 PM.  Nana will join approximetly 1:15 pm.

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Nana will be joing approximetly 1:15 pm!


with Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

“When the TV went dark, my mother said, ‘Good. Now you can read more.’”

Friday Black - a piercingly raw story collection; a treacherously surreal, and, at times, heartbreakingly satirical look at what it’s like to be young and black in America. In Friday Black, Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah’s writing will grab you, haunt you, enrage and invigorate you. By placing ordinary characters in extraordinary situations, Adjei-Brenyah reveals the violence, injustice, and painful absurdities of life in this country.

In early 2024, Woodland Hills students, staff, and community members will read and discuss Friday Black. Join us for a series of discussions about the book. Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah is a New York Times bestselling author and his most recent novel, Chain-Gang All-Stars, was nominated for the National Book Award. Mr. Adjei-Brenyah will interact with us remotely for this project on March 5, 2024!