About This Project

One & Only is a compilation of personal narratives written to tell stories of oppression, liberation, and self determination to change systems of injustice. Through this project, we will amplify BIPOC voices and the voices of our allies to shed a light on the power we have to write a new narrative.

As with most good ideas, this project began with a conversation amongst friends, a space to reflect on the power we have to change things now. Click here to read more about the thoughts that planted the seed.

Share Your Story

We are currently seeking stories for this project. The end goal will be a free downloadable anthology. There will be no revenue from this project, so there will be no compensation; however, all authors will be listed as a contributing author in the book.

If you are interested, please fill out this form.

All submissions, whether invited or unsolicited, are subject to editorial review & assessment.

Share Our Project

The success of this project relies on the community . We would love to share your story and the stories of others. Please click here to share this project with others. Thank you in advance!