Seongin Hong

[google scholar]

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics, Gachon University, Korea


Tel: +82-31-750-5490


Ph.D. 2020. 02 Advanced Materials Science & Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Sunkook Kim

B. S.  2015. 02 Electrical Engineering, Kyung Hee University

Research Experiences

[2021-2022] Postdoc, Akinwande Nano Research Group, Microelectronics Research Center,

  The University of Texas at Austin, USA, Advisor: Prof. Deji Akinwande

[2018] Research intern, Dept. of Electrical and computer Engineering, 

  The University of Waterloo, Canada, Advisor: Prof. Yongki Yoon

■ Research Interest

nanoelectronics, 2D materials, flexible and wearable applications, sensors, phototransistors, neuromorphic devices

■ Honors and Awards

▪ Global Postdoc Fellowship, Advanced Materials Science & Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (December 2021)

▪ Korea-Canada Global link Research Award, National Research Foundation of Korea and Mitacs of Canada (June 2018)

Humantech Thesis Award, Samsung Electronics (February 2018)

▪ Lam Research Korea Thesis Award, Lam Research Korea (December 2017)

▪ Convergence Display Award, Korea Display Industry Association (October 2016)