Want I want is people who blocked you should not be able to whisper you back, or there should be a blocking system installed ingame to block people OUTSIDE your match.

Recently, when the troll is banned from the chat, he's begun to use the tactic of whispering to other people in the chat room in order to harass them...some of these viewers are even foolish enough to pass on insults from the troll to the broadcaster.

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The channel regulars know better than to respond to this troll, and ignore him, but the fact that the troll can still whisper other viewers is especially problematic when new viewers arrive to the channel, because they do not understand that this user is a troll yet. They frequently become targets for the troll, and the chat has to put up with new users asking why this troll is whispering offensive stuff to them, and asking them to pass it along to the broadcaster.

Before whispering was implemented, such harassment wouldn't have been possible from a chat-banned troll, but now it's a thing. If a troll is banned from a chat room, he shouldn't be allowed to whisper anyone else currently in that room.

I don't mean banning a chat-banned user from whispering anybody at all (although that wouldn't be such a bad idea either), but at least prevent him from whispering other chat members while they're in that chat room.

Whispers should be disabled from chat-banned users only after they have been told why they were banned/length of ban, been given at least two chances to appeal this and the appeal has been heard and a decision reached. Streamers could have certain times they will announce that mods will allow whispers from banned users in case any want to ask to be let back in.

I was recently banned from a chat and I don't know why. Trying to do the right thing I attempted to contact the creator to obtain clarification, but the whisper was not permitted from strangers. 

I understand trolls, but I strongly feel that at least a reason should be given if you are banned or at least a channel to go to for understanding why the ban was issued.

I think this is brilliant. If someone is banned from a room, they should be banned from the room entirely, chatting publicly or privately. I personally have banned some people who then continued to harass my regulars and mods with whispers. It is very irritating to everyone and drives viewers away.

I found out even with friend only /w in option on, the other can still whisper you, if you /w them first. But to your question. I think the player whispered you first then put you on ignore right after to prevent you from responting to his /w.

Just two examples should suffice to make the point. On Friday the former Evening Standard editor Emily Sheffield, who clearly hails from the metropolitan Cameroon tradition \u2013 she\u2019s literally his sister-in-law \u2013 wrote a column under the headline \u201CI now think Rishi Sunak is going to win the next election\u201D. Two days later, the Sun\u2019s Trevor Kavanagh, a man whose views were starting to look a bit palaeolithic when Harold MacMillan was still moving about, published his own piece, headed: \u201CRishi Sunak is whacking Keir Starmer all over the park and revived jaded Tory appetite for battle\u201D. These guys hail from opposite ends of the Tory commentariat, yet both are making the exact same point. The right-wing press has clearly decided that it\u2019s time for a vibe shift.

As we move through this season of Advent and prepare our hearts for His second coming, I encourage you to hold onto the peace, hope, joy, and love through the busy holiday season and all through the New Year. Take it a priority to sit in the stillness and listen for those gentle whispers God wants to speak into your heart.

Being still has become a cherished lifeline. The older I get the more I treasure stillness, quiet, and rest. It pulls me closer to His heart and prepares me to get out into life again and be present for those who need to know that they are loved and heard.

How many of us have lost our voice after a live concert, sports game, or a medical illness like laryngitis? The answer is likely the majority of us. Therefore, we are familiar with the struggle of trying to communicate with a hoarse voice. Without vocal cord function, one can only whisper. And some people might think that whispering rather than trying to make use of our vocal cords might speed recovery. It might feel like we need to exert less force and strain on our vocal cords. Does this idea stand up to the facts? Research shows that whispering can actually be as hard on your vocal cords as shouting.

Our vocal cords consist of three layers, and we experience hoarseness when the middle, gel-like layer becomes swollen or inflamed. When we whisper, we squeeze our vocal cords more tightly, which might contribute to strain, especially when they are inflamed. This squeezing, combined with the fact that whispering does not vibrate our vocal cords, can also lead to vocal cord irritation from dryness.

We use our vocal cords frequently in our everyday lives, for working and socializing. To speed recovery, limit attempts to communicate vocally, including whispering, and keep your body hydrated and your vocal cords moist!

Is the "still small voice" of God a murmuring in your heart, a whisper of conscience, the Universe whispering to you? When we explore 1 Kings 19, that "voice" turns out to be very much like the Messenger and Word of the Lord.

The challenge is that the larger models are slow on CPU, and the small/tiny models are not very good (and still slower than Kaldi.) You could run on a GPU (but then pay for power usage), and AFAIK none support CoralTPU yet.

Please note: You can always block all whispers to you without touching the permissions by clicking on Settings -> Options -> Whispers -> Deny Everyone. In that case all of you would have to do that though.

Please show a full permissions overview (right-click on user in server tree) of that user who has the whisper power and one who should not get a whisper.

Both users must be in same channel for this!

A Museum favorite since 1938, the acoustic Whispering Gallery still sounds as good as it looks. You and a friend stand with your backs to each other at either end of this long room. When you whisper into the curved dish in front of you, your friend across the room hears you as though you are just inches away. No wires, no power. Can you figure out how it works?

Thankfully I had a well-seasoned saint in my life. When I shared about my waning emotions and fear that perhaps I had done something wrong and now God was no longer talking to me, he explained that sometimes God speaks loudly, but many times he speaks in a still small voice. I thought at the time that this elderly gentleman had coined the phrase. But later I realized that he, heavily steeped in the language of King James, was speaking Bible to me.

It turns out that my own experience had some similarities to Elijah, and this dear saint was right in applying this story to my situation. But what exactly does it mean that God speaks in a still small voice? And does he still speak this way?

This book was written to encourage believers to know that God does whisper to our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. \"Be still and know that I am God,\" is His message. He prompts his whispers through nature, music, prayers, and generations past--through witnessing, through the testimonies of other believers, through the power of grace, through the word of God, through angels, through mercy, through the journey of personal growth of faith at every age and through the seasons of life.

God whispers the truth of His love to humanity, but you need to take time to rest. Set aside the time to quietly listen. He wants to bless and draw close to all who would choose to believe. The author has been on a journey with God that she prays will open other hearts to the power of God's blessings and His personal message. God has offered forgiveness and a purpose to all those that would humbly surrender to Him in faith.

4. He will speak to us through and with His Word and His voice will never contradict what the Bible says. After all, it is alive and active, inspired by Him many years ago, yet still true and relevant for us today.

Hello Dr. Laura,my 6 year old son just started to whisper repeat occasionally. For example he would say "I'm going to draw a picture" and then he would whisper "draw a picture" to himself. This is very recent and he only does it occasionally. yesterday after he whispered I just said "what?" and he said he didn't say anything. So I replied "oh I thought you whispered something" and he said i only said that to myself. So I told him that usually when I say things to myself I just say them in my head otherwise it gets confusing to others. He still did it a few times today and I am just wondering if it is something I should address or just let go and will likely work itself out.Thanks so much -- Lindsay

We can think of this as anexpression of anxiety. The adults who remember doing this as a childsay that they were just double-checking whether they said it correctly,or "organizing" themselves, or "narrating" their lives. These adultsoften describe having done this for a year and then outgrown it. Someof them say they still do it a bit in their heads, and that they see itas a tendency toward perfectionism.

And I want to add that Albert Einstein went through a year around theage of six where he repeated to himself in a whisper everything hesaid. Apparently Palilalia is most common in kids who are very intelligent.

4. It is the place that God speaks from.

There is one more thing I find in the significance of God appearing to Elijah in a gentle whisper. In 1 Kings 19 after God appeared in the gentle whisper, he spoke to Elijah. I believe this is the same way he speaks to us. Other translations call this the still small voice. When God speaks to your heart this is often how it happens. Not the loud thunder but the gentle whisper of a still small voice. ff782bc1db

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