This is not a small voice

you hear this is a large

voice coming out of these cities.

This is the voice of LaTanya.

Kadesha. Shaniqua. This

is the voice of Antoine.

Darryl. Shaquille.

Running over waters

navigating the hallways

of our schools spilling out

on the corners of our cities and

no epitaphs spill out of their river mouths.

This is not a small love

you hear this is a large

love, a passion for kissing learning

on its face.

This is a love that crowns the feet with hands

that nourishes, conceives, feels the water sails

mends the children,

folds them inside our history where they

toast more than the flesh

where they suck the bones of the alphabet

and spit out closed vowels.

This is a love colored with iron and lace.

This is a love initialed Black Genius.

One Small Voice Download


Is the "still small voice" of God a murmuring in your heart, a whisper of conscience, the Universe whispering to you? When we explore 1 Kings 19, that "voice" turns out to be very much like the Messenger and Word of the Lord.

First, keep in mind that this voice is part of the longer story of Elijah, which begins in 1 Kings 17. Let me give you the CliffsNotes version. Israel has sunk soul-deep in idolatry, so Yahweh slaps them with a three-year drought. Near the end of this time, Elijah summons the good-for-nothing King Ahab, along with the citizenry, to Mt. Carmel for a theomachy, a God-fight.

I read and re-read the content and tried to question if God was moaning? Was Elijah and He sharing the same emotions? Jewish literature gave the impression God may have been displeased with Elijah. Most Christian literature I reviewed focused on us hearing the still small voice.

As the Hebrew professor concluded, there is a very important message here. God has designed each one of us uniquely, with our own special calling, gifts and way of speaking to us. He encourages, you must discover that way for yourself, no one can teach it to you. For Elijah, God spoke to Him in a way more special than Moses, a still small voice. God spoke to Moses face to face, to other prophets in dreams and visions or with angels.

In visualizing myself performing this piece I imagined standing perfectly still for the full 17 minute duration with very subtle facial and body gestures (and a little vibrato here and there). This delicate movement would illustrate the connection between the still small voice within and the triggering of the mind patterns that arise when we move with inspirational creativity to manifest our insights into the world.

Spiritual teacher Adyashanti says that truth is always speaking to us. The voice might be quiet, but it is ever present, guiding us to navigate the river of our lives with perfect intelligence. Are we listening, or is the inner cacophony too deafening to hear?

The true path for our lives cannot be figured out or created. Our job is simply to listen, and in the listening, we will be given all the guidance we need to do exactly the right thing. When we listen, life unfolds mysteriously. We get out of our own way and allow the still, small voice to be heard.

All I can say is vow. There is a voice within which tells us which path to go for. Most of the times we are wrong and some times we are correct. The times we are wrong we become more experienced towards a great chapter in life which has its own way to teach us.

Those points about how we know the voice of truth is talking are right on point. That sinking feeling is not enjoyable in any way, and it always signals later disappointment. It also lacks that clenched feeling of temporary self-preservation.

I appreciate your comment. When we get pulled into old mental and emotional patterns, we are unable to clearly hear the truth whispering underneath. Becoming aware of these patterns is essential to being able to hear the inner voice.

This process of listening is a process. There is sometimes so much going on, it may be hard to discern the true voice. Then the path is simply meeting everything that is arising, exploring it, letting it simmer and percolate. Eventually, the true direction will become clear. As with all self-reflection, bringing compassion to the exploration is essential.

Children naturally trust their intuitive sense, their inner guidance system until they are taught that the world is a dangerous place and they cannot rely on themselves to navigate their journey through life. We all still have that voice that whispers deep inside. It is the genuine pleasure of thinking for yourself.

A bit late in commenting on this article but here,s my thoughts on The Small Quiet Voice within.

There seems to be two voices in your head , one is loud, demanding, urging , it judges ,condemns always wants more, your ego.

The other unlike ego is non of these , it is more of a gentle nudge , it suggests or sometimes makes a statement , it is very easy to over rule. You can ignore the quiet voice easily but that small quiet voice is your true friend , and will always lead you on the right path.

You ask an interesting question. When we truly follow the still, small voice, we are doing so for the sake of the truth in the moment. What is your choice? Follow your truth or follow a path that feels off and unaligned. So in the moment, if you are clear about the true path for you, you are following the still, small voice.

Awesome post! I have listened to the still small voice within my entire life. It is not to be confused with the monkey mind, lizard brain, amygdala that alarms, directs in anger, upset and fear. The still small voice within never is upset with me, never has a harsh word, complaint, never says I am bad, a disgrace or wrong. There is always a direction, a recommended step, course or action to honor His purpose. When taken, effortlessness. When I ignore the direction the consequences may be small or great but the nudge back to listening to Him brings bliss. When I quit listening altogether and only hear me, there are accidents, that are not accidents had I listened.

The story as found in the KJV seems a bit disjointed. Elijah hears a voice, steps out from the cave, and thenhears a voice that speaks to him about what he is doing and where he should be going. Is it the same voice? Was God just sort of clearing his throat the first time?

Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, made a similar point when he suggested that moments of crisis are not the best times for making important decisions. For example, when a marriage hits a rough spot, the temptation to bail out can be powerful. But Ignatius would counsel patience precisely at such a time. Wait until things have calmed down, and then listen for the voice of God. Careful spiritual discernment should be about mindfully weighing options, not putting out fires (or surviving storms and earthquakes).

Your life will flow a lot easier when you learn to pay attention to your body cues and to that still small voice/nudge in your gut/whatever you want to call it & you do what it says every single time. Mine has, I can tell you that.

COVID-19 numbers were spiking, ventilators were in short supply, nurses and doctors were understaffed and overworked, people were dying without loved ones to soothe them in their final moments. 2021, the first full year of a still-lingering global pandemic, would quickly become the deadliest in U.S. history, with big city hospitals like Mount Sinai in New York bearing the brunt of the burden. But through the hallways infused with suffering walked a small cohort of staff, tending to patients by offering an ear or a prayer in lieu of medicine.

But Elijah only hears God once he listens to a sound that is so fragile, it could easily go unheard. After Elijah hears this voice, he stops being a zealot and warrior. He hands over his power and becomes a fatherly mentor to the younger prophet Elisha.

The supreme power cares for the powerless. The creator of life loves life. The voice that summoned the universe into being is still and small, hardly louder than a whisper. To hear God you have to listen.3

At the conference the objection was made that God is still able to speak in still, small voices. Certainly but the objection misses the point. He is also able to use his prophets to slaughter false prophets, of chasing his prophets into the wilderness, and of using his prophets to install kings. He is also capable of speaking into nothing and making worlds. God is what he is. What God is able to do is beside the point. What matters here is what God has promised to do and what he has commanded us to do.

13 And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

The reality of God is far greater than our conceptions of God. In this passage, Elijah, persecuted and feeling hopeless, returns to the mountain where God appeared to Moses and hopes for a similar spectacular revelation of His glory. Yet God confounds and comforts Elijah by appearing as a still small voice. What we learn in this passage is that God shows Elijah who he is. God shows us who he is. Who is the true God? When God comes, he comes in these ways: 1) In tremendous wisdom; 2) In humbling multiplicity; 3) In a word of grace.

What stops us from going all in with what we believe are our God-given talents? For me, it's that nagging voice that reminds me there are so many people who write better than I do. It's the wagging tongue of the ego that says that I'm not good enough.

Do you, like me, tend to listen to what Franciscan Fr. Richard Rohr calls "the false self" rather than to "the still small voice" of God (1 Kings 19:11-12) that softly reassures you that everything right now is all right? In seeking fame or perfection, do you, too, reject the use of the very gifts that God has given you?

I recently watched the new Pixar movie, "Soul." Although "Soul" has no obvious religious theme, locations called "The Great Before" and "The Great Beyond" suggest eternity spent in a good or bad place, as well as another place for "lost souls." The characters and theme of "Soul" came to mind as I prayed about how I listen to God's voice. e24fc04721

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