Extension Descriptions

One Click Extensions

The Create a Google Doc extension creates a new Google Doc in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Sheet extension creates a new Google Spreadsheet in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Slides Deck extension creates a new Google Presentation in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Drawing extension creates a new Google Drawing in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Calendar Even extension creates a new Google Calendar Event in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Meet extension creates a new Google Video Call in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Jam extension creates a new Google Jam Presentation in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Note extension creates a new Google Note in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

The Create a Google Form extension creates a new Google Survey in one click when you are logged into your Google Account.

Future Versions

I am thinking about adding a Thank You page that opens when you download the extension.

Other Extensions

The Google Apps Surprising Popup (GASP) was a request from a student. He wanted to have an extension that took up less real estate, but had all the Google Apps available.

Future Versions

  • I want to make it so you can choose which apps are shown.

  • a button for Jamboard.

MiniCal (a miniature calendar) is an extension based on the Mac App Mini Calendar. At the time I did not have permissions to download apps for my work Mac and thought that a popup calendar could be handy in the browser.

This code is open source and used from code-boxx.

Future Versions

  • highlight the current day

  • create a dynamic extension that changes to current date

Create a new Book in Book Creator

A simple extension that creates a new book in Book Creator.

Future Versions

  • no future versions currently in progress