It is not, obviously, for ICANN to make it happen. It is not for ICANN to control it or manage it or so forth. But I do think that within this community, not just within the board or within the staff but within the overall ICANN community, very important for us to have a sense that there is a plan or multiple possibilities, but in any case a way forward that will work. And to the extent that it's not clear, to use our voice to ask for attention on that, and to the extent that we can contribute, to provide such insight as we can.

Mr. WALKER: Well, I've made it very clear that not all deficits are equal, that the short-term deficits that we face today are largely explainable because of the recession, two undeclared and two unfinanced wars, a number of extraordinary, non-business-cycle challenges dealing with the financial institutions, insurance concerns, automotive companies, et cetera, and therefore that's understandable.

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Now as you leave us, and I'm in sitting here thinking, Don can still be a consultant to this group from the international perspective. I hope we will be able to stay in touch with you, and when you are in the U.S., get you come by, et cetera. As we said, we're a global society anyway, so communicate with you by e-mail, et cetera, because you are clearly going to continue with these issues, just in another venue. It's a loss for the committee, but I'm not quite ready to lose you. e24fc04721

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