For some features like fossils, ruined portals and trail ruins the app currently only points to the center of the chunk they're generated in. Since those structures are small, often buried, and can be offset 10-20 blocks from the chunk center, you might have to do some searching/digging to find them.

For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Seed Map, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you're playing SSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the /seed command ingame. In SMP, you can use the same command if you have sufficient rights. Otherwise, however, you're dependent on the server owner, who started the world and has access to the savegame and config files.

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Below the seed and version, you can also choose the Minecraft dimension that you want to view (Overworld, Nether or End). This, and the version you use, will affect which features can be enabled. To toggle certain features, click on the icons in the features box just above the map.

I want to make a world that has a barrier that is 16 by 16. I want to make the barrier invisible but not like barrier blocks where it replaces the blocks. If you domt know what i mean i can explain further in the comments. What would be the command string to do this?

If the area is 5000 chunks it is not that large at all; a single region is 512x512 blocks and contains 1024 chunks. On the other hand, if it is 5000x5000 chunks (not blocks?) then we are talking about a world that is 80000x80000 blocks and many gigabytes in size; even the rendered map would probably be gigabytes (I have a world with around 80,000 chunks and the rendered map, using MCMap, is about 60 MB and can't even be opened with MSPaint ("not enough memory or resources", though GIMP opens it without any issues or using up all the RAM I have).

Here is a world with about 18,000 chunks, close to four times the size of your world assuming that is the area:

I used MCMap to render this; I'm not sure what its limits are but it renders a much larger world in several batches, combining them into a single output image (hence, the memory taken up by the image is likely the limiting factor). Also, the image you see was reduced in size (click to view full size, which is still smaller than the original) so MCMap produces quite large images; the full rendering for my larger world was more than 16,000 pixels across. Another utility that you can use is Minutor, which likely has no limit on how large a world can be, other than when rendering the world as an image:

TheMasterCaver's First World - possibly the most caved-out world in Minecraft history - includes world download.

TheMasterCaver's World - my own version of Minecraft largely based on my views of how the game should have evolved since 1.6.4.

Why do I still play in 1.6.4?

I used the otg (open terrain generator ) mod to pregenerate a world that was like 32000 blocks but I only generated about 1% or about 5000 chunks. My world size of file was about 230mb megabytes and 40 minutes of generation worth.I haven't explored to see how far it actually generated but I'll see if those programs work

If it took only 40 minutes and resulted in a world of 230MB, then that's not 5,000 x 5,000 chunks. For reference, my world has a central core region of around 20,000 x 20,000 blocks (roughly -10,000 to +10,000 blocks on both axis) that I generated using Minecraft Land Generator. This comes to around 1,250 chunks x 1,250 chunks. While I do have other areas of the world, the central area is by far the largest, and the entire world size is nearly 12 GB. If the world was 5,000 x 5,000 chunks, I'd imagine a high double digit (maybe even triple digit?) figure for world size, and probably days worth of time to generate.

I regenerated a map, this time for an hour exactly and it was about 70,000 chunks out of 1002001 or 16016 by 16016 blocks. The file size was about 400 mb , I would post a picture of my internet wasn't so slow, but I used Mc map to view it and the map was fairly big!

And for sure you also want to organize those Chunks in a spatial subdivision structure, so that you can quickly index chunks depending on their position in the world, a Octree works wonderfully for that

When the player leaves a chunk however and it's unloaded, that chunk is lost for good (unless they modified the chunk; if that is the case, I save it). This is because with each new chunk I generate, I generate a new random seed for it.

I was thinking about ways I can combine the world coordinates and world seed in order to obtain a chunk seed. That way, since I always know the world seed and always know the world coordinates, I could obtain the same chunk seed in order to make sure the same chunk comes back after the player leaves it (and the chunk is unloaded) and then returns to that location in the world when it has to be reloaded.

This would not be an acceptable equation to use as the equation would give the same chunk seed for the world coordinates (x, y), (y, x), (-x, -y), (x, y), etc, resulting in a pretty dodgy pattern to the world.

I know games like Minecraft accomplish this, but I cannot find a way to obtain a chunk seed based off of the world coordinates and world seed without there being a weird symmetry in my world generation.

Here we've barrel-shift rotated the bits of y around 16 places, then XOR'd them together with the bits of x. So toggling the low bit of x (travelling between adjacent chunks east/west) toggles the low bit of the hash, and toggling the low bit of y (travelling between adjacent chunks north/south) toggles the 16th bit of the hash. So you have to travel 32 thousand chunks in the x direction before you start to see the same bit patterns you'd seen in nearby chunks in the y direction, and vice versa.

This does a good job of ensuring you have a distinct seed for all the chunks in any local area, but it doesn't decorrelate those seeds. So if you use that as a raw input to your random number generator, you might still see correlations between adjacent chunks because of this correlation in their seeds.

Add 10 ounces of the chocolate chunks and toss to combine. Combine the milk and vanilla extract in a small bowl. Add to the large bowl with the flour and mix together until just combined (do not overwork).

Place the scones on the baking sheet. Top each of the scones with the extra chocolate chunks and press in. Brush the top of the scones with milk and sprinkle with turbinado sugar. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.

You can create multiple tilemaps which you move to represent chunks. Assign them ids related to their relatively x,y index so the inital map might be 0,0, the chunk to the right 1,0, and the chunk to the left -1,0.

Then you extend the fractal noise into those chunks, and delete chunks as they are too far away. You can save world state into chunk partitions too. So if an object is in a specific chunk its x,y is saved relative to that chunk instead of the actual computed world position.

Chunks are 16 blocks wide, 16 blocks long. They extend from the bottom void of the world, all the way up to the top sky. In vanilla overworld, their building height are 384 blocks, and they have 98,304 blocks total. In vanilla nether and the end, building heights are 256 blocks.

Since Minecraft worlds are 30 million blocks in each cardinal direction and contain an extreme number of chunks, the game loads only certain chunks in order to make the game playable. Unloaded chunks are unprocessed by the game and do not process any of the game aspects.

Levels are numbers that determine what load type the chunk is in. A lower level represents higher a load type. For a given chunk, it may get different level from different tickets, but only its lowest level matters.

Load levels range from 22 to 44 in regular gameplay, while only 22 to 33 are relevant to chunk loading. Load levels less than 22 are valid but possible only with a modded game. Load levels above 44 are instantly unloaded in vanilla.

This ticket is caused by the player and is assigned level 31. A player ticket is given to each chunk within a square region surrounding the chunk where the player is located, as defined by the formulas described below, and propagates as described in the table above.

In singleplayer, "Render Distance" in options decides the side length of the square. It follows the formula l = 2 r + 1 {\displaystyle l=2r+1} , where r is the selected render distance, and l is the side length (in chunks) of the square.

For example, in a single-player game with a "Render Distance" of 5 chunks, a region of 11  11 chunks centered around the player has a load type of entity ticking (level 31). The strip of chunks at the outer edge of a 13  13 perimeter surrounding the player have block ticking (level 32), and the next enclosing chunks (15  15 perimeter) are border chunks (level 33).

Ticket created by the world spawn for the chunk it is located at, loading a 23 by 23 chunk area known as the "spawn chunks". Its position can be changed by a /setworldspawn command. It has a level of 22, the lowest in the game.

It expires after 300 game ticks (equivalent to 15 seconds). Because they are created each time an entity passes through the portal, it is possible to create a "chunk loader". Perpetually keeping chunks loaded without the player being near, which can be used for various in-game mechanics such as farms, but can create lag.

When the game needs to immediately use the data of a chunk, but the chunk has not yet been created or generated to required step, the game automatically gives a ticket named "unknown" to the chunk. It expires after 1 game tick (0.05 seconds). The load level depends on the step to which the game needs the chunk to generate, and it is always greater than 32. It is in various game calculations, such as mob AI, mob spawning, etc. 006ab0faaa

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