
6th grade intramurals will be held EVERY TUESDAY starting on October 10th. Intramurals will take place during Activity Period. Come for ALL of it or none of it meaning you have to be able to stay for the ENTIRE activity period to participate.

Intramurals are recreational sports & activities offered during Activity Period for the purpose of fun and exercise. 

Each week is a new opportunity to sign up for intramurals - we will take the first 40 students. If you are able to access the link and register that means there is still room. If you are unable to register that means we have hit our max and you can try again next week!

An email will be sent from Mrs. Doepel to the entire 6th grade the day before intramurals (if there is no school on Monday then it will be emailed out on Friday) with the Google form to sign up.

Sign up HERE!