
Welcome to a hidden gem.

Here, you'll find a record of how I thought years ago. God, I'm old.


In which I cringe


Omika ~1 year later realizes that all of these posts have been sent to employers re: summer internships

To any employers who clicked on the URL on my resume and found themselves looking at this gem of a site, I would normally apologize.

But, I'm not exactly aplogetic about the situation at hand. That would be like saying I'm ashamed of the content I've put out there, which isn't true. Embarassed -- yes. Ashamed? Of course not.

Have fun scrolling, maybe judge me a little. But you're getting to see an authentic portrayal of the person you might be trusting with work at your corporations.

Enjoy :)

It's ~time~ to submit.


A high school senior demonstrating procrastination at its finest.

It's currently 1AM on November 1st. I am about to submit some college applications. Am I looking forward to it? Not at all. Maybe some of the traffic I'm getting is coming from admissions officers, in which case, I'd like to say hello! Please let me in!

I've begun to realize that a lot of my posts have started to talk about procrastination. Perhaps it's a defining characteristic of my generation. Either way, if anyone else would like to procrastinate, here's a really fun TED Talk on the subject. It's the one with the monkeys (love you Tim Urban!!!), and it's a really great way to procrastinate.

Well, I'm going to maybe listen to the soundtrack of Heathers: The Musical, and then maybe submit these applications. Ta-ta!

Women in tech and stuff


In which I just talk about some tech stuff I care about!

Women really need to step up their game when it comes to representation in tech fields. I recently hosted one of a series of panels that I organized where I spoke to some fabulous #WomenInTech who talked about being the only females at the table.

It sucks, especially since companies (incl. tech companies) have statistically done soO much better under women management and leadership. I kind of get it, though. All the news about sexual harassment or gender discrimination at massive tech moguls like Uber and Google is hardly attractive to young women looking for a field to work in.

But technology is so, so, so rewarding. They're one of the few jobs that are guaranteed a spot in an ever-changing world of automation.

That's why Leap Into Technology aims to inspire girls to join the field, take a leap, and immerse themselves in a field where they can and will flourish. Women have always been powerful, and claiming that power in technology is long overdue.



Why am I like this?

My summer classes have finally begin.

Swell. Dandy. Terrific.

But, unfortunately, I have not finished my summer work. So now, I have to deal with sOOoOOo much work.

That's okay. I just wanted to complain. Maybe I should be working instead of writing this.

I'll be back once I finish at least one class's worth of work.



Everything is moving really, really quickly.

AP Summer work.

College tours.

College essays.

Letters of recommendation request stuff.

Research (hey if you want to help click here).

Hackathon stuff.


There are so many different activities that I have to juggle that this is the first summer that I've taken a moment to just go:


I've been managing my time better, but unfortunately that means that I can no longer just sit in bed and stare at the ceiling for hours upon hours. I suppose that's a good thing, but just looking at the ceiling has been a relaxing pastime that I have had to let go in lieu of reading and socializing (both of which are also relaxing. But, still). At least I am almost done.

I've got to jet. My parents are summoning me.

The Home Stretch


The beginning of the end

As the first week of AP testing of the 2016-2017 school year draws to a close, I feel as though a vital part of my secondary education is coming to a close as well.

This past year was the first year where I spent a significant amount of time with seniors in my classes, and I saw them all going through such a mixed variety of experiences. I saw them obsessing over their essays, cramming for last minute standardized testing scores, and the intense range of emotions that came mid-April as acceptances came out.

And, now, they're done. Tomorrow is the last day of classes for all seniors at my high school. After 2:15 PM, the next time they walk into a class, it will be at the university where they begin a whole new chapter of life.

Quite frankly, seeing it all up close has pushed me into overdrive.

Gosh. College? What?

I don't even have my license yet hAHa.

Alright. That's all. I have to study for APUSH.



A post just to make this entire blog page look a little less blank

Hi everyone!

Between you and me (well, really, me and all of the internet), I've never really run a successful blog. I have tried plenty of times, and some of them even started getting followers! But each one felt far too restricted: either completely focused on book reviews, or things that I've failed at throughout the course of my life. The most successful blog I've run was one I started in seventh sixth fifth grade (gosh, was 2010 really that long ago?). Put online in mid-2010, I managed to keep that one afloat all through 2014.

My secret? I didn't have a particular focus. I just wrote about whatever I was fixated on that particular week (or month, during some of my less active posting times). This time around, I think I'll adopt that same policy. What matters most to me? I promise I'll let you know: once a week, or maybe once every two weeks.

♥️ omika