

Introduced in the first panel of the series Commander Annia is basically the leader of the team.

She's daring and resourcful, always ready to jump in with a creative plan to get things done.


We meet Captain Jago in the first panel of the series as well. He's a bit sarcastic and happy-go-lucky.

Even though Jago presents himself as a bit slacker, when the going gets tough he has the will and the skill to get things done.


On the run during her one woman war on the Lacertus Zoe knows how to gets things done.

Injured in battle her right forearm has been replaced by a cannon that has a variety of fuctions.


Imprisoned by the Lacertus for his role in the war Altair was born on an alien world that valued efficiency over free will.

A skilled pilot, Altair was assigned as Zoe's battle partner after she lost her arm.