Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (OMD) Group
Welcome to the Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Research Group at Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat. We work on semiconductor materials and thin films for optoelectronic device research. We have current projects in CIGS, CZTS, and Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskites based solar PV. Apart from thin film PV, we are actively involved in semiconductor lasers and LED research. We also work on other nanomaterials synthesis and applications such as photocatalysis based waste-water treatments, 2d materials and sensors. Optimization algorithms and their applications in optoelectronics and semiconductors, instrumentations and automations are other areas of our interest.
Apart from these, we also work on scientific analysis of CVD and natural diamonds and we have been routinely involved in industrial consultancy work with various diamond industries in and around Surat.
Please see the project descriptions and publications for more information.
Dr. Vipul Kheraj has secured a project grant worth Rs.22Lakh from GUJCOST to study Lead-free Perovskites.
Dr. Akshay Jariwala has bagged the eminent position of Assistant R&D manager at Waaree Energies Limited.
Mr. Parth Thakkar recently started his PhD journey at Brno University of Technology.
Mr. Hetul Sukharamwala recently secured an MSE Research Scholarship and an Engineering Silver Star Graduate Scholarship for Higher Studies at University of Texas at Arlington.
Mr. Sri Sankaran received a grant worth Rs.1.3 Lakh from ASHINE, SVNIT for Development of a Standalone System for Combined Van der Pauw Resistivity and Hall Effect Measurements.
Dr. VipulKheraj & Team develops low-cost sterilizer box 'yoUVen' using UV-Hot Air combination as a part of its ongoing efforts to fight against Corona virus. The equipment is low-cost and can serve the purpose of sterilization of various items used for domestic purpose in day-to-day life during the Corona outbreak, click here.
Hitesh Chauhan's Quantum Dots based Cardiac Marker Diagnostics work selected as top 100 PhDs by Global Bio India 2019, DBT BIRAC (A Govt. of India Enterprise).
Aditi Toshniwal selected as a Young Scientist in 69th Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany from June 2019 - July 2019.
Aditi Toshniwal gets prestigious Raman-Charpak Fellowship 2017. She will carry out part of her Ph.D. work as Raman-Charpak Fellow at XLIM, Limoges, France, from January 2018 to July 2018. Congratulations Aditi... For more details about the fellowship, click here.
Department of Physics, SVNIT, Surat receives DST-FIST grant of Rs. 118 Lakh for 2018-2022.
Kinjal Patel received prestigious Bhaskara Advanced Solar Energy (BASE) Fellowship Program supported by the DST, Govt. of India, and the Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF). She carried out part of her Ph.D. work as BASE fellow at University of Central Florida from July 2015 to December 2015. Congratulations Kinjal... For more details about the fellowship, click here.
Sampat G. Deshmukh received Consolation Award in ICC-2015 at Bikaner, India for the paper entitled ‘Chemical Bath Deposition of Cu3BiS3 Thin Films’.
Sampat G. Deshmukh received Best Paper Award in ICEM-2014 at Chennai, India for the paper entitled ‘Synthesis, Structural and Optical Properties of Zinc Oxide Thin Film by Chemical Bath Deposition Technique’.
Dr. Vipul Kheraj received prestigious Fulbright-Nehru Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship 2013-14. He carried out a research assignment as Fulbright Fellow at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, from September 2013 to September 2014. For more details about the fellowship, click here..