OMASD Consultant established in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Penang in 2012. The main objective of OMASD Consultant is to be a group that helps in designing performance measurement systems Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) and Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) on level courses and programs to meet the goal of implementation of outcome Based Education (OBE). Other objectives include explaining and understanding related to the implementation of the OBE. OMASD Consultant experienced in designing measurement systems at the UiTM Penang. Among the faculty are using the expertise and systems developed by OMASD Consultant and helped faculty who use certified accreditation from the Engineering Acreditation Council (EAC) and the Malaysian Quality Agency (MQA) as follows: -

1. Fakulti of Electrical Engineering UiTM Penang - 5 years EAC accreditation

2. Fakulti of Chemical Engineering UiTM Penang - 5 years EAC accreditation

3. Fakulti of Mechanical Engineering UiTM Penang - 2 years EAC accreditation

4. Fakulti of Electrical Engineering UiTM Pasir Gudang

5. Institut Kemahiran Belia Negara Temerloh Pahang - MQA

In OMASD Consultant, we believe that the implementation of OBE is important to ensure the quality of programs offered is relevant at all times. Thus the system simple, easy and innovative to be designed to assist and facilitate the implementation of OBE. We are willing to build relationships with those who need the system and designing appropriate to the customer's requirements.


Since 2008, Outcome Based Education (OBE) was developed and implemented in Malaysia at all Higher Learning Institutions as part of an approach improvement process of teaching and learning. The purpose of OBE is to measure the academic performance based on specified outcomes that was designed in programme syllabus. The difficulties of data collecting and monitoring OBE performance more challenging and its require a tool or system that should be capable of measuring whether intended outcomes have been achieved or not. Continues Quality Improvement (CQI) is main element to implement the OBE system. The importance of CQI report of the courses is to make sure the outcomes are accessible and any unsatisfactory action can be overcome. To overcome the problems, OMASD was developed and divided to OMASD Course Level (OMASD-CLs) , OMASD Programmes Level (OMASD-PLs) and OMASD Programmes Educational Objective (OMASD-PEOs). The results obtained have shown that this system is good enough to deal with various parameters such as different cohort of students and various courses..

Contact Person:


Senior Lecturer

Contact details

BKBA Room 1.18,

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

University of Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang

13500 Permatang Pauh

Pulau Pinang


Tel: +604-382-2618

Fax: +604-382-2819

Website: www.penang.uitm.edu.my

Email : mohdaffandi370@ppinang.uitm.edu.my

Completed Project 2017 : IKTBN Temerloh ..... Click Here

Completed Project 2018 : FKE UiTM Pasir Gudang ..... Click Here