Papers and preprints

  1. Omar Saldarriaga, Alexander Flórez. On the group of affine transformations of flat affine homogeneous spaces. Available at Group of affine Transformations of flat affine homogeneous spaces.

  2. Alberto Medina, Omar Saldarriaga, Andres Villabon. Flat Affine Manifolds And Their Transformations. Manuscripta Math. Available at FlatAffineManifoldsandtheirTransformations DOI

  3. Omar Saldrriaga, Alexander Flórez. Transformation groups of certain flat affine manifolds.This is a preprint of an article published inSao Paulo Journal of Mathematics. The final authenticated version is available online at:

  4. Alberto Medina, Omar Saldarriaga, Hernán Giraldo, Flat Affine or Projective Geometries on Lie groups, Journal of algebra, 445 (2016) 183--208.

  5. Hernán Giraldo, Agustín Moreno Cañadas and Omar Saldarriaga. Some equivalences between homotopy and derived categories. Far East Journal of Mathematics, Vol 98 number 1, (2015) 1-14

  6. Omar Saldarriaga, A particular case of the level increasing property for fusion algebras, JP Journal of algebra and combinatorics, 27 2012, no 2. 193--201

  7. Omar Saldarriaga, Type A fusion rules, Integración, December 2009

  8. Omar Saldarriaga, Fusion algebras, symmetric polynomials, and S_k-orbits of Z_N^k Journal of algebra, 312 (2007), no. 1, 257--293