Working Papers

On the Path-Through of Large Devaluations

BSE WP 1391, 2023

Joint with Carlos Casacuberta

JPE submission.pdf

Is the Output Growth Rate in NIPA a Welfare Measure?

BSE WP 1357, 2022

Joint with Jorge Durán

R&R Economic Journal

Growth measurement .pdf

The Neoclassical Model and the Welfare Cost of Selection

BSE WP 1283, 2021

Joint with Fabrice Collard

RED submission.pdf

Switching-track after the Great Recession

BSE WP 1283, 2021

Joint with Francesca Vinci


Heterogeneous Firms, R&D Policies and the Long Shadow of Business Cycles

JRC WP 04/2021

Joint with Cristiana Benedetti-Fasil, Giammario Impullitti and Petr Sedlacek


Potential Output, the Taylor Rule and the Fed

CFCM WP 21/03 

Joint with Francesca Vinci

Potential Output, the Taylor Rule and the Fed.pdf