
I'm Oma Ndamati, a Product designer, who simply enjoys making products user-friendly and user-centric for social good.

Recent work

Carta App

Name of project

Waste Cash Application

 My Super Power


I am able to exude my creativity in even the most mundane situations or settings. Basically, spicing things up which goes a long way in improving the quality of life. This also helps to shift my perspective on life since I am able to see possibilities and new ways of doing things. 


I understand how to uncover people's underlying motivations and drives by really listening to only not what they are saying, but being aware of what remains unsaid and unexpressed. This helps with stakeholder engagement, building trust, and advocacy and it also helps me build strong relationships. 

Attention to Detail

This means that when I am given a task to embark on, I make it my business to notice the things that may not seem important thereby presenting a more refined output. 


When engaging with a person, I am usually able to sense the mental/emotional state quickly, this enables me to effectively mirror them and make them feel at ease. This is great for managing people as well as moving projects forward when collaborating or working in a team.