Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.

Research confirms these personal experiences with music. Current findings indicate that music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). This alpha brainwave is what is present when we are relaxed and conscious. To induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz), a person may need to devote at least 45 minutes, in a relaxed position, listening to calming music. Researchers at Stanford University have said that "listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same extent as medication." They noted that music is something that almost anybody can access and makes it an easy stress reduction tool.

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So what type of music reduces stress the best? A bit surprising is that Native American, Celtic, Indian stringed-instruments, drums, and flutes are very effective at relaxing the mind even when played moderately loud. Sounds of rain, thunder, and nature sounds may also be relaxing particularly when mixed with other music, such as light jazz, classical (the "largo" movement), and easy listening music. Since with music we are rarely told the beats per minute, how do you choose the relaxation music that is best for you? The answer partly rests with you: You must first like the music being played, and then it must relax you. You could start by simply exploring the music on this web page. Some may relax you, some may not. Forcing yourself to listen to relaxation music that irritates you can create tension, not reduce it. If that happens, try looking for alternatives on the internet or consult with Counseling Service staff for other musical suggestions. It is important to remember that quieting your mind does not mean you will automatically feel sleepy. It means your brain and body are relaxed, and with your new calm self, you can then function at your best in many activities.

Classical Indian Music for Healing and Relaxing

 Gayatri Govindarajan, "Pure Deep Meditation" track. Lovely and rhythmic music played on the veena, the most ancient of the Indian plucked-instruments, with nature scenes.

Short term, cortisol can help us find the focus and energy we need to deal with a difficult situation, but when the body is exposed to excess cortisol for a prolonged period of time, it causes perpetual, exhausting states of fight, flight, or freeze. Ongoing or chronic stress can lead to developing an anxiety disorder, depression, chronic pain, and more.

Often, music used for meditation has a slow tempo, which can reduce heart rate, and also lower anxiety and stress levels. Guided meditation involves music with a narrator or speaker that directs your energy flow and focus, or offers positive affirmations.

We also use different kinds of music for different purposes. Since we all have special relationships with our favorite songs and genres, we can use those to invoke certain emotions and feelings unique to that relationship. For example:

Music is certainly not a magical cure, nor is it a substitute for therapy, medication, surgery, or any other medical treatments. But music can be an important element of your well-being and self-care on a daily basis, as well as a helpful partner in dealing with more acute health conditions.

While research has found that synchronizing body movements to music can lead to better performance and increased stamina, the effect tends to be the most pronounced in cases of low to moderate intensity exercise. In other words, the average person is more likely to reap the rewards of listening to music more than a professional athlete might.

Listening to music is a universal path to dissolving those thoughts and worries that keep us awake and help us fall asleep. And who couldn't use a little relaxation-response activation right about now.

It's worth noting that different people have varying preferences when it comes to relaxing music. What one person finds relaxing, another might not. It's essential to explore different genres, styles, and artists to find the music that resonates with your personal sense of relaxation.

Ambient: Ambient music is designed to create a serene and atmospheric environment. It typically consists of slow-moving, textural sounds and ethereal melodies that promote relaxation and a sense of tranquility.

Instrumental: Instrumental music, especially without lyrics, can be conducive to relaxation. It allows listeners to immerse themselves in the calming sounds of instruments like piano, guitar, flute, or violin without the distraction of vocals.

Meditation and relaxation music: Music specifically composed for meditation, relaxation, or guided imagery often incorporates elements such as ambient textures, slow tempos, and repetitive patterns to induce a state of deep relaxation.

It's important to keep in mind that these are only general recommendations and everyone's preferences may differ. It can be helpful to try out various genres and artists to discover the music that speaks to you and helps you unwind. You might also consider making your own customized playlists or checking out curated relaxation playlists on streaming services to discover new relaxing music.

It's important to choose music that you find personally relaxing and enjoyable. Experiment with different genres, artists, or instrumental tracks to discover what works best for you. Additionally, using sleep-specific playlists or ambient soundscapes designed for sleep can enhance the effectiveness of music as a sleep aid.

Salivary cortisol levels in response to the TSST (means  SEM), in the experimental group listening to relaxing music (RM), the control group listening to sound of rippling water (SW), and the control group resting without acoustic stimulation (R).

Salivary alpha-amylase activity in response to the TSST (means  SEM) in the experimental group listening to relaxing music (RM), the control group listening to sound of rippling water (SW), and the control group resting without acoustic stimulation (R).

Heart rate in response to the TSST (means  SEM) in the experimental group listening to relaxing music (RM), the control group listening to sound of rippling water (SW), and the control group resting without acoustic stimulation (R).

Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in response to the TSST (means  SEM) in the experimental group listening to relaxing music (RM), the control group listening to sound of rippling water (SW), and the control group resting without acoustic stimulation (R).

Taken together, our results seem to indicate that pre-stress music listening might not be effective in reducing the biopsychological stress response, but might, in contrast, add to or facilitate a stress response. However, our results may also be interpreted in the light of another explanation: it may be that the participants in the music group were actually so relaxed that the subsequent stress induction was incompatible with this state of relaxation, and that they produced an increased stress response as a consequence. We might have therefore measured the effect of the contrast between a relaxing and a stressful state rather than the preparatory effects of relaxing music on the subsequent stress response. This notion is supported by the greatest increase in stress perception in the relaxing music group. Future studies should follow-up on this explanation and further dissect the effects of preparatory music listening on stress responses.

Calm is the #1 mental health app designed to help you manage stress, sleep better, and live a happier,healthier life. Our research-based tools help you build life-changing habits to support your mental health.If you're having trouble falling asleep, our 250+ Sleep Stories, soundscapes, and guided sleep meditationscan lull you to sleep. If you're spiraling in negative thoughts and need immediate relief, our 60-secondBreathe Bubble grounds you in the moment and helps your body return to a state of relaxation. If you'reoverwhelmed at work and need a breather, our stress and burnout specialists can guide you through exercisesto help calm your mind. We're here for you whenever or wherever you need us with more content and toolsbeing added monthly.

If you have come to Calm to learn relaxation techniques and improve aspects of your mental health, werecommend beginning with the 7 Days of Calm, our introductory program that offers the basics of meditation,and then move on to the 21 Days of Calm. With that foundation, you can explore our library of sessions andprograms, which address themes such as anxiety, sleep, focus, and gratitude. Additionally, for moments ofacute stress or anxiety, we offer in-the-moment calming exercises via our Panic SOS, Body Scan, andbreathing exercise features.

Meditation is the practice of allowing thoughts to come and go, as you learn to recognize and release themwithout judgment. Studies show that a long-term meditation practice can actually help shift your nervoussystem out of fight or flight and into the relaxed parasympathetic mode producing a wide array of benefits*including:

Mindfulness is a practice that involves intentionally bringing one's attention and awareness to the presentmoment without judgment. It's about being fully present and engaged in the here and now, rather thandwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Mindfulness encourages a non-judgmental attitude towardsone's thoughts, emotions and sensations, allowing them to arise and pass without any added stress. Bycultivating mindfulness, people often develop a greater sense of clarity, calmness and overall wellbeing, aswell as enhance their ability to respond skillfully to the challenges of life. 2351a5e196

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