Christchurch Olympic School





Olympic-style wrestling, the oldest form of combat sport, originated over 4,000 years ago and has persevered through the ages. This captivating sport, deeply rooted in ancient times, has become an integral part of the Olympic Games, showcasing the strength, grace, and strategic prowess of its participants. Wrestling builds resilience, especially in children and youth, teaching them to stand up after every fall and never give up. It embodies a way of life that fosters perseverance, courage, and indomitable spirit, transcending mere athletic skill. By embracing these principles, wrestlers embark on a transformative journey of personal growth and character development. We are here to present the sport as an educational program to build up strong and resilient individuals who will take up the mantel of stewarding the future of society.


One of the many throws in wrestling.


What we've done

We have been teaching Olympic Wrestling and other forms of combat sports for more than 2 decades now, we have produced top talents that are able to compete on the international world stage. For more information about all the past events we have hosted please head to the events page. For more information about the caliber of our coaches please head to your About page.


FILA IOC Education Event
University of Canterbury Olympic Wrestling Team High Lights
2011 Oceania - Olympic Female Wrestling