
Our stage area offers a suspended wood floor with a 40 musician orchestra pit with a cover, which extends the stage area. We also have an interior backstage crossover to get your staff to the other side of the stage without the audience seeing you. 

There is ample storage stage right and off the hallway. There are three large rooms capable of holding hundreds of people for your production. 

There is a five story scenery loft with 37 linesets that fly up to 50”. Our linesets include: cyclorama (fabric that can be illuminated into multiple different colors), scrim, shimmer, two travelers (midstage and main curtain), and a 20 inch mirror ball. This counterweight system allows you to hang banners or other objects you may want to suspend in the air.

For video control, we have a 4K projector avaliable with the ability for digital backdrops. 

We are pleased to bring to you a LED Star Curtain.  This gives a believable evening sky effect. This can also be utilized as a traditional black curtain with the stars off. 

For lighting we run conventional and LED stage lighting with an ETC Ion XE. We also have a Hazer which creates a silent odorless haze in the air to dramatically improve the lighting.  There are also 3  follow spots available to be used at all times.

For sound, we run a Midas M32 sound mixer with 32 channels and many output sends.  With this board, we can offer different microphone effects such as reverb, concert hall amplification, and many more effects. 

We have 12 wireless handhelds, instrumental microphones, wired vocal microphones, 16 body microphones, 3 floor microphones, and 8 great shotgun microphones suitable for large performing groups or choirs.

There are also sound shells and risers suitable for up to 100 musicians. A grand piano is also available to be used.