Olof Bergvall

I am an associate professor (docent) of mathematics at Mälardalen University. Before starting at MDU I was an associate professor at the University of Gävle. Before that I  had post doc positions at Uppsala University and at Humboldt University in Berlin and a temporary lectureship at Stockholm University.

I received my PhD from Stockholm University in 2016. My advisors were Carel Faber and Jonas Bergström. I did my undergraduate studies at the Engineering Physics programme at KTH, Stockholm.

The core of my research is in cohomology of moduli spaces of curves, surfaces and abelian varieties but I also sometimes think about arrangements, in particular arrangements of tori. 

E-mail: olof.bergvall[at]mdu.se

My professional website at MDU and my professional website at Gävle.
My profile at Google Scholar.

I am the supervisor of Tianqi Liu and the co-supervisor of Sjoerd de Vries. I am the secretary of the National committee of mathematics.

Foto: Jonas Bilberg

I have constructed quite a bit of teaching material - e.g. several sets of lecture notes, interactive articles and YouTube lecture series.  I'm happy to share source files in case it would be useful for your teaching.

I was previously the project manager for the project "Education for everyone" which is developing two engineering programs (Environmental engineering and Energy systems engineering) to be taught entirely remotely, including laboratory work. I was also a member of  the Centre for Educational Development at the University of Gävle.