
Is math important?

-Professor, why is Urysohn's lemma  important?-

-Why is this important? ... ... What is the meaning of important? Is math important?... baha, I do not know. But I hope it is at least interesting.- B. Zimmermann

Why is dimension 4 so weird?

I strongly believe that all comes from the  non trivial fact that 4  is 2+2 but also it is 2x2. Moreover I refuse to think that 2^2 is playing any important role here.

What is OVY?

OVY stays for Oliviero, Valentina and Younes.

In triestino/friulano "Ovi" means "eggs".

What is this picture?

My favorite connected subspace of the plane that is not path-connected. (Please do not look at the picture too closely)