Field Pictures

Foggy day in Mochena Borago Rockshelter, SW Ethiopia, 2019

Outward view of forest from the Mochena Borago, 2019

Within the badlands in Bantuu, Ethiopia during survey work, 2020

Bantuu, Ethiopia 2020

Silhouette of a hat during survey work on Damota, 2020

B.S., PI of Bantuu survey work touching a lithic that eroded from badlands, 2020

The 2020 SWEAP field crew

Scarves and hats for sale at the Dorze Lodge, 2020

Volcanic cone that the field survey team climbed  a rockshelter search, 2020

Collection of sediment bags with their units/strats/IDs written out, 2020

Historical pottery collected during sieving archaeological-bearing material at Marie Selby Garden's Historic Spanish Point while I was a volunteer archaeologist, 2020

Mt. Damotans on a boulder in Mochena Borago during the 2019 Field Season

People gathering near a river in Mande, Ethiopia, 2020

Three women collecting clay from Bantuu, Ethiopia, 2020

Frankincense in Wolaitan Market, 2020

Survey in Bantuu, Ethiopia in area bearing lithics, 2020

Rhyolite hand axe found in Bantuu during survey work, 2020

Me post-fieldwork day in MB, 2019

Farm animals inside a fenced area between buildings in Konso, 2020

Lamb on the side of Mount. Damota during lunchtime in 2020

Me with a lamb in Bantuu during survey work, 2020

Sieving artifact bearing materials uncovered from the underside of a historical house at HSP, 2020

A map of the plotted total station points during the 2020 Field Season

Logo of Habesha Beer from Edna Mall in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2019

View of Bantuu and the Hobitcha Caldera from the highest elevation, 2020

Wolaitans in Market, Ethiopia, 2020

Obsidian outcrop in Bantuu, Ethiopia during survey work, 2020

Setup of total station in Mochena Borago Rockshelter during the 2020 field season,

(Part of) the 2019 SWEAP crew

Children playing in UNESCO World Heritage Site, Konso, 2020

Shelters near Dorze Lodge, Southwest Ethiopia, 2020

Collection of labelled pottery in the National Museum of Ethiopia, 2020

Me sieving artifact bearing materials in a small sieve at HSP as a volunteer archaeologist, 2020.

Unidentified dinosaur LB with carnivore teeth markings at Karonga Museum Malawi, 2023

View from Lunjika Mission, Central Malawi 2023

Lunchtime view at Sayile, Malawi 2023

Hippos in Vwaza Marsh, Malawi 2023

3 mm sieve lithics from Mazinga Rockshelter, Malawi 2023

Field group silhouette against the Karoo Formation in Karonga, Malawi, 2023 field season 

Cleaning a wall profile for stratigraphic mapping at Sayile, Malawi 2023

Safari in Vwaza Marsh, Malawi 2023

Rock art survey in Mzimba, Malawi 2023

Rockart in Malawi, 2023

Hippo L4 vertebra within the collections at Karonga Museum in Malawi, 2023 field season

Survey of paleoanthropological-bearing Chiwondo beds, Malawi 2023

Hippos in Vwaza Marsh, Malawi 2023

Dawn in Vwaza Marsh, Malawi 2023

MALAPP group, Malawi 2023