Olivia Bartley

Hi, I am Olivia. I was born in Fort Walton Beach, Florida but grew up in Germany. I am a military brat who has traveled all over Europe. After seven years at Ramstein, Germany I moved to Travis AFB, California. I have three brothers one of which was born our last year in Germany. I have been in California for seven years and I love California even with it's snow-less winters. My family has always loved traveling and experiencing different ways of living so traveling around the U.S. is a must for our future. I have high expectations for myself and push myself to meet them but if I don't ,I can say I am better than I was before. So I guess success to me is being able to make a new goal for myself because I won't stop until I have finished what I have started.

My family is pretty active so we go hiking and running such as 5Ks often. We also do some volunteer work which I love to do. I am also apart of the track team where I am a hurdler and sprinter. I also participate in clubs and events in AFJROTC at Vanden. AFJROTC has tons of volunteer work and social events that I love to take part in. When I am not at practice or an event I am reading a book or watching TV.

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