
Olga Löblová (Loblova)

I am a political scientist working on health policy. I am currently a Wellcome Research Fellow at the Department of Sociology, University of Cambridge, where I have been a postdoctoral researcher since 2017

My research focuses on the political economy of resource allocation in health care and the role of experts and evidence in health policy-making. I study how the varying institutional contexts, diverse configurations of actors’ interests and expertise, as well as different forms of evidence, determine which health technologies and interventions are publicly funded in today’s health systems. Specifically, I research the politics of health technology assessment (HTA) in health care reimbursement decisions. Please find more about my Wellcome project here.

In my previous postdoc, I studied the regulation of molecular diagnostics and governance of cancer screening. As part of the Borysiewicz Biomedical Sciences Fellowship in parallel to my previous postdoc, I also studied COVID-19 decision-making

You can find the full list of my publications on Google Scholar

I use mainly qualitative methods: in the past years, I have carried out over 140 in-depth interviews in the United Kingdom, France, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and in Brussels.

Follow me on Twitter for a mixture of health policy and Central European politics. (I am a Steering Board member of an association of Czech scientists working abroad, Czexpats in Science, so you might get an accidental insight into Czech science, too.)