ποταμῷ γὰρ οὐκ ἔστιν ἐμβῆναι δὶς τῷ αὐτῷ

 “One cannot step into the same river twice,” writes Plutarch in De E apud Delphos (18. 392 B), reporting a quote by the Ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, for "it is not the same river a man steps in the second time and it is not the same man who steps in the river the second time." Similarly, Classical authors can speak to us differently and tell us different things depending on when and how we read them. In my work, whether I am analyzing an ancient Greek tragedy, or teaching the Odyssey to incarcerated students, I look for these differences and for ways that the Classical past can make us reflect on our modern day lives. 


PhD - Classics (2022), University of California, Santa Barbara. Dissertation Title: Tragic Bonds: Death, Disorientation, and Trauma in Euripides

Harvard Institute for World Literature Program, Harvard University

MA - Classical Philology (2015, summa cum laude), University of Bologna. Thesis Title: Apollonio Rodio e Teocrito: Un Confronto tra Argonautiche, II 1-98 e Idillio 22

BA  - Modern Literature (2013, summa cum laude), University of Bologna.


“Teaching Ovid in Prison: An Experiential Analysis.” Coauthored with Nicole Dib, in N. Rabinowitz and E. Capettini (eds.), Teaching the Classics in the U.S. Prison System. Routledge Focus Series, 2021.

June 2022 “Hospitality and Trauma: Welcoming Rituals in the Alcestis,” at the 2022 MLA International Symposium. (paper proposal accepted) 

July 2022 (rescheduled) “The Man of Twists and (Re)turns: Conflict Resolution Structures in the Odyssey,” at “Teaching Conflict Resolution from Antiquity to the Present,” Manaus, Brazil. Co-authored with Dr. Michael Morgan. (paper proposal accepted, and available here)

January 2022 “Rising from the Ashes of Troy: the Trojan Women Project’ at the 2022 Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting. 

January 2022 “PersAphone: Loss, separation, and nostalgia: Classics in the time of Covid-19” as part of the Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities panel at the 2022 Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting. 

• January 2021 “The Use of Storytelling in Euripides’ Heracles,” at the 2021 Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Virtual Meeting.

• November 2020 Invited to present on “The Trojan Women Project,” at the California Classical Association South Spring Meeting “War and Mobility, Deceit and Homecoming.” 

• May 2020 “Reciprocity in Hades: The Appearance of Theseus on Stage in Euripides’ Heracles,” at the Classical Association of the Middle West and South, Birmingham, Alabama. 

• January 2020 “The Odyssey Project: Performing Homer with Incarcerated Youth,” at the 2020 Society for Classical Studies Joint Annual Meeting Workshop on “Classics and Civic Activism,” and moderated a 40-minute group discussion. 

• November 2019 “Homer Between Bars: Classics and Activism” at the California Classical Association South Fall Meeting “Reception of Classics: Robots, Rap, Prisons, and Socrates.” 

• May 2019 Co-creator of “Gamelan+Medea. For Refugees and Immigrants,” performed by Heena Yoon (UCSB Music Department) at the Third annual Theater/Dance Graduate Research Symposium “Dis/Placements: Performance, Movement and Resistance.” 

• April 2019 “Bring Your Classroom to Life: Creative Methods to Engage Students” at the UC Santa Barbara Grad Student Teaching Symposium.

• May 2018 “Classical Reception: How to Enliven Text-Based Courses” at the UC Santa Barbara Grad Student Teaching Symposium.

• April 2018 Panelist at the UC Santa Barbara “Humanities in Prison” Panel: IHC Graduate Teaching Fellows on teaching “Foundations in the Humanities.”


The Trojan Women Project (Summer 2020 and 2021) multimedia online course offered to UCSB undergraduates and incarcerated students at the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility. Using digital storytelling, students worked together as artist-activists to re-construct Euripides’ tragedy.

The Odyssey Project (Spring 2019) collaborative theater and writing program between UCSB undergraduates and incarcerated students at the Ventura Youth Correctional Facility. 

Graduate Teaching Fellow for the 2017-18 Interdisciplinary Humanities Center program for a correspondence course for incarcerated students at North Kern State Prison. (read responses of incarcerated individuals on selected literature and provided feedback on their writing)

• Instructor, Teaching Assistant and Reader (UC Santa Barbara) for a variety of courses including: Latin 1, Greek Mythology, World of Heroes, Humor and Laughter, The Fall of the Roman Republic, The Romans, Artifact & Text: Archaeology & Literature of Early Greece, Dante’s Divine Comedy. Sole instructor and creator of the course "Tragedy of Displacement: ancient theater and modern immigration, migration, and incarceration." 

Invited Guest Lectures: 

 - I Greci in Italia: la Magna Grecia / Greeks in Italy invited guest lectureship for the Department of Italian at Dickinson College for a Senior Seminar on “Italy as a Mediterranean and Global Crossroad” (Winter 2022). Lecture delivered in Italian. 

 - Homer’s Odyssey and Naomi Iizuka’s Anon(ymous) invited guest lectureship for the Department of Theatre and Dance at UC Davis (Fall 2021)

Guest Lectures:

 - Classical Mythology class (800 students in attendance: Winter 2020)

 - Ancient and Modern Reception of Euripides’ Hippolytus, Greek Tragedy (Fall 2019)

 - The Argonautica, Classical Mythology class (800 students in attendance: Spring 2017) 

• Teaching Assistant (Dickinson College) for a variety of courses including: Italian Literature and Culture, First-Year Italian, Theater Lab (staging of Dario Fo’s "Non Tutti i Ladri Vengono per Nuocere")


• 2021-2022 Hodges Foundation for Philosophical Orientation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship  

2021-2022 Steve and Barbara Mendell Graduate Fellowship in Cultural Literacy for the project: “Rising from the Ashes of Troy: The Trojan Women Project”

2021 UCSB Dean’s Prize Teaching Fellowship for the creation of the course "Tragedy of Displacement: ancient theater and modern immigration, migration, and incarceration"

2020 Society for Classical Studies Ancient Worlds, Modern Communities Award for the realization of the multimedia project “Loss, separation, and nostalgia: Classics in the time of Covid-19” 

Selected as a participant for the Summer 2020 Harvard Institute for World Literature Program (competitive four-week program that explores the study of literature in a globalizing world, and how world literature travels across cultures)

2020 UCSB Keith Aldrich Award for Outstanding Graduate Student in Classics 

2020 UCSB Graduate Division Research Accelerator Award 

• 2020 Society for Classical Studies Pedagogy Award 

2020 UCSB Humanities & Social Sciences Research Grant

• Fellow, Mellon Engaging Humanities Graduate Fellowship, 2019-20

• Fellow, UCSB Public Humanities Graduate Fellows Program, 2019. Delivered a Capstone presentation on my work in Fall 2020, available here.

Fellow, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Humanities Without Walls Pre-Doctoral Career Diversity Summer Workshop, 2019 

• 2018-2019 UCSB Academic Senate Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 


Member of the Underground Scholars Santa Barbara advisory board, whose mission is to create a pathway for incarcerated, formerly incarcerated and system impacted individuals into higher education.

Served on the Classical Studies & Archaeology judging panel for The Global Undergraduate Awards (UA). Assessed outstanding pieces of coursework submitted by undergraduate students from all over the globe on the UA online judging platform.

• Served on the UCSB Senate Committee on Outstanding Teaching Assistants. 

• Global Ambassador and Mentor for the UCSB Office of International Students and Scholars.


Italian – Native (speak/read/write) 

English – Advanced Proficiency (speak/read/write)

Spanish – Advanced Proficiency (speak/read/write)     

Latin & Classical Greek – Advanced Proficiency (reading and translation)

French – Intermediate (speak/read/write) 

German – Elementary (read)