In my project, I'm trying to use However, this is requiring me to add dependency of Even with this dependency added and exported via bnd-maven-plugin, I'm getting error:

I had added root pom and core pom, but was missing all pom. I made sure all are added and ran mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage, but error persists. One thing I'm noticing is that in the core bundle, instead of* being resolved from or core bundle, they are being resolved by com.adobe.granite.osgi.wrapper.guava. How can I make them get resolved by dependency I'm adding in? Download

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Order of Bundle Execution: If the issue persists, try adjusting the order in which your bundles are started. OSGi resolves dependencies based on the order in which bundles are started. You may want to ensure that your bundle is started before any other bundles that may interfere with Guava.

Check Felix Console: Access the Apache Felix Web Console in your AEM environment ( :4502/system/console) and navigate to the "Bundles" tab. Look for your bundle and check its dependencies. Verify that Guava is resolved and active.

Embedding Guava: It seems you are embedding Guava using the filevault-package-maven-plugin. Make sure that the embedded Guava bundle is being created and included in your project correctly. Check the resulting content of the /apps/

I am trying to embed jar file as a third party dependency in my maven build. But it does not deploy to felix console. When I try to manually upload to felix console it works but not through maven build.

I have the physical jar file in the above mentioned location as well. I tried similar steps for other jar files and they were deployed to felix console. But only this jar file ( doesn't deploy.

The POM for is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available: 1 problem was encountered while building the effective model for[unknown-version]

Leave storm/lib vanilla and package the higher versions of those libs with your topology jar using maven shade to relocate the necessary packages to avoid conflict. Here is an example from a storm topology that relocates guava (

@Paul Hargis Follow up question. I have a topology that used both hBase and ElasticSearch 2.1. hBase depends on guava 1.3 and ElasticSearch 2.1 depends on guava 1.8. Can I include both versions of guava? I somehow need to tell maven to rewrite the Elastic byte code to refer to the relocated guava 1.8, but to NOT rewrite hBase byte code, so it continues to find guava 1.3.

( It seems I could do this by breaking up my project into more pom files and isolating them that way, but that will break the more functional segmentation of my multi-pom project, so maybe there is a more direct way?)

More than 10 years ago, a new Java collections library was released by Google.This library, now known as Google Guava, would gain a lot of traction over the months and years and is possibly the most used Java library in production code today.

To understand this, we will discuss the dependency management challenges that appeared during the evolution of Guava and how they were handled.In the end, we will show how troubles can be avoided using Gradle Module Metadata.

When version 22.0 of Guava was released in May 2017, Guava had moved from Java 6 to Java 8. Android, however, was still stuck on Java 6.Without a change, Android users would have been stuck on old versions forever.Therefore, Guava started shipping a separate Android variant stripped of all Java 8 specific functionality.

The two variants were released using the same coordinates with two different version strings: 22.0 and 22.0-android.After a longer discussion on GitHub and a public GoogleDoc, the versioning pattern changed with 23.1 to 23.1-jre and 23.1-android.Instead of using a different classifier or coordinates for the different variants, using different versions allowed the dependency conflict resolution in Gradle and Maven to detect a conflict and select only one of the two variants.(The -jre suffix was introduced to make sure that the -jre version is always considered higher than the -android version by Maven because j beats a in alphabetical order.)

Looking again at our initial example,the actual version and the variant are both encoded in the version strings: 28.0-jre and 28.1-android.The build tools cannot know how to use this information.Gradle, looking at the full version string, picks the higher version: 28.1-android.This is a version without the Java 8 specific classes, which might very well break code that relies on those classes.The best solution would probably be to pick 28.1-jre as it satisfies both requests: 28.1 (which is assumed to be compatible with 28.0) and jre (which is compatible with android).However, requesting a version and a variant independently cannot be modelled with POM metadata.

If you now think that the Guava team should have done a better job with all those troubles, you are mistaken.In fact, as you can see from the linked discussions, the team was very concerned with each decision taken.

The root cause of the troubles is that the POM metadata model is not expressive enough to convey the required information.As Guava and other libraries have shown over the past decade, there is a need to express more information in metadata to solve many common use cases.As an answer to this need, we developed the Gradle Module Metadata format.

To improve the situation in the future, we created a pull request that proposes publishing of Gradle Module Metadata for Guava.For already published versions of Guava, or other libraries, Gradle allows you to write a component metadata rule to add missing metadata.We have written such a rule for published versions for Guava and provide it as a Gradle plugin.If you apply this plugin to your build, you can explore what we have described in the blog post yourself:

If we add the plugin to the example from the beginning, you can observe, for instance, the reduced runtime classpathand that the Java 8 variant of Guava was chosen,which provides the guava-28.1-jre.jar despite the selection of the 28.1-android version.

There is no fix for However, in version 30.0 and above, the vulnerable functionality has been deprecated. In oder to mitigate this vulnerability, upgrade to version 30.0 or higher and ensure your dependencies don't use the createTempDir or createTempFile methods. is a set of core libraries that includes new collection types (such as multimap and multiset,immutable collections, a graph library, functional types, an in-memory cache and more.

Affected versions of this package are vulnerable to Information Disclosure.The file permissions on the file created by allow an attacker running a malicious program co-resident on the same machine to steal secrets stored in this directory. This is because, by default, on unix-like operating systems the /tmp directory is shared between all users, so if the correct file permissions aren't set by the directory/file creator, the file becomes readable by all other users on that system.

For Android developers, choosing a temporary directory API provided by Android is recommended, such as context.getCacheDir(). For other Java developers, we recommend migrating to the Java 7 API java.nio.file.Files.createTempDirectory() which explicitly configures permissions of 700, or configuring the Java runtime's system property to point to a location whose permissions are appropriately configured.

This Dependency vulnerability, with a CVSS Score of 7.1 and a CVSS Vector of CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:N allows an authenticated attacker to expose assets in your environment susceptible to exploitation which has high impact to confidentiality, high impact to integrity, no impact to availability, and requires no user interaction.

The National Vulnerability Database provides the following description for this vulnerability: Use of Java's default temporary directory for file creation in `FileBackedOutputStream` in Google Guava versions 1.0 to 31.1 on Unix systems and Android Ice Cream Sandwich allows other users and apps on the machine with access to the default Java temporary directory to be able to access the files created by the class.

This section covers mechanisms Gradle offers to directly influence the behavior of the dependency resolution engine.In contrast to the other concepts covered in this chapter, like dependency constraints or component metadata rules, which are all inputs to resolution, the following mechanisms allow you to write rules which are directly injected into the resolution engine.Because of this, they can be seen as brute force solutions, that may hide future problems (e.g. if new dependencies are added).Therefore, the general advice is to only use the following mechanisms if other means are not sufficient.If you are authoring a library, you should always prefer dependency constraints as they are published for your consumers.

A dependency resolve rule is executed for each resolved dependency, and offers a powerful api for manipulating a requested dependency prior to that dependency being resolved.The feature currently offers the ability to change the group, name and/or version of a requested dependency, allowing a dependency to be substituted with a completely different module during resolution.

Dependency resolve rules provide a very powerful way to control the dependency resolution process, and can be used to implement all sorts of advanced patterns in dependency management.Some of these patterns are outlined below.For more information and code samples see the ResolutionStrategy class in the API documentation. 152ee80cbc

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