
Nonparametric and Stochastic Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

R package 'npsf' 

The nonparametric models in npsf comprise nonradial efficiency measurement (tenonradial), where non-proportional reductions (expansions) in each positive input (output) are allowed, as well as popular radial efficiency measurement (teradial), where movements to the frontier are proportional.

Using bootstrapping techniques, teradialbc, nptestrts, nptestind deal with statistical inference about the radial efficiency measurement.

Computer intensive functions teradialbc and nptestrts allow making use of parallel computing, even on a single machine with multiple cores.

The parametric stochastic frontier models in npsf can be estimated by sf, which performs maximum likelihood estimation of the frontier parameters and technical or cost efficiencies. Inefficiency error component can be assumed to be have either half-normal or truncated normal distribution. sf allows modelling multiplicative heteroskedasticity of either inefficiency or random noise component, or both. Additionally, marginal effects of exogenous variable(s) on the expected value of inefficiency term can be computed.

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