Peer-reviewed publications in reversed chronological order
Accepted manuscript
Rita C. Andersen, Matthew D. Lycas, Jan H. Schmidt, Nikolaj R. Christensen, Viktor, K. Lund, joscha Rombach, Mikkel Stoklund, Donnie S. Stapleton, Gith Noes-Holt, Mark P. Keller, Anna M. Jansen, Rasmus Herlo, Ole Kjærulff, Birgitte Holst, Alan D. Attie, Ulrik Gether, Kenneth L. Madsen. Coding variants identified in diabetic patients alter PICK1 BAR domain function in insulin granule biogenesis. Accepted (Journal of Clinical Investigation)
bioRxiv 2020.10.05.325951; doi:
Published papers (click title to access article)
1. Freja Herborg, Kathrine L. Jensen, Sasha Tolstoy, Natascha V. Arends, Leonie P. Posselt, Aparna Shekar, Jenny I Aguilar, Viktor K. Lund, Kevin Erreger, Mattias Rickhag, Matthew D. Lycas, Markus N. Lonsdale, Troels Rahbek-Clemmensen, Andreas T. Sørensen, Amy H. Newman, Annemette Løkkegaard, Ole Kjaerulff, Thomas Werge, Lisbeth B. Møller, Heinrich J.G. Matthies, Aurelio Galli, Lena E. Hjermind, Ulrik Gether. Dominant-negative actions of a dopamine transporter variant identified in patients with parkinsonism and neuropsychiatric disease. Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight 2021. Accepted.
2. Lund VK, Lycas MD, Schack A, Andersen RC, Gether U, Kjaerulff O*. Rab2 drives axonal transport of dense core vesicles and lysosomal organelles. Cell Reports 2021, 35:108973. *Author for correspondence.
3. Klionsky DJ et al., Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy 2021,17:1-382.
4. Viktor K. Kund, Kenneth L. Madsen, Ole Kjaerulff*. Drosophila Rab2 controls endosome-lysosome fusion and LAMP delivery to late endosomes. Autophagy 2018, 14:1520-1542. *Author for correspondence.
5. An amphipathic helix encodes cellular curvature sensing and directs function of the BAR domain protein PICK1. Herlo R, Lycas MD, Lund VK, Jansen AM, Khelashvili G, Chan R, Bhatia V, Pedersen TS, Albornoz PBC, Johner N, Christensen N, Erlandsson S, Stoklund M, Larsen JB, Weinstein H, Kjærulff O, Stamou D, gether U, Madsen KL. Cell Reports 2018, 23:2056-2069.
6. Mactosylceramide Prevents Glial Cell Overgrowth by Inhibiting Insulin and Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Signaling. Gerdøe-Kristensen S, Lund VK, Wandall HH, Kjaerulff O*. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2017, 232:3112-3127. *Author for correspondence.
7. PICK1-Deficiency Impairs Secretory Vesicle Biogenesis and Leads to Growth Retardation and Decreased Glucose Tolerance. Birgitte Holst*, Kenneth L Madsen, Anna M Jansen, Chunyu Jin, Mattias Rickhag, Viktor K. Lund, Morten Jensen, Vikram Bhatia, Gunnar Sørensen, Andreas N. Madsen, Zhichao Xue, Siri K Møller, David Woldbye, Klaus Qvortrup, Richard Huganir, Dimitrios Stamou, Ole Kjærulff*, Ulrik Gether*. PLoS Biology 2013, 11(4): e1001542. *Authors for correspondence.
8. Katja Dahlgaard, Anita Jung, Klaus Qvortrup, Henrik Clausen, Ole Kjaerulff* and Hans Wandall*. A neurofibromatosis-like phenotype in Drosophila lacking glycosylceramide extension. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2012, 109: 6987-92. *Authors for correspondence.
9. Ole Kjaerulff*, Hans Wandall. Neurofibromatose 1: sygdomsmekanismer og deres terapeutiske perspektiver. Ugeskrift for Læger 2012; 174: 642. *Author for correspondence.
10. Kjaerulff O*, Brodin L, Jung A. The structure and function of endophilin proteins. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 2011, 60:137-54. *Author for correspondence.
11. Jung A, Labarrera C, Jansen A, Qvortrup K, Wild K and Kjaerulff O*. A mutational analysis of the endophilin-A N-BAR domain performed in living flies. PLoS ONE 2010 9492: 1-14. *Author for correspondence.
12. Jansen A, Nässel D, Madsen K, Jung A, Gether U, Kjaerulff O*. PICK1 expression in the Drosophila nervous system primarily occurs in the neuroendocrine system. Journal of Comparative Neurology 2009, 517: 313-322. *Author for correspondence.
13. Rusu P, Jansen A, Soba P, Kirsch J, Lower A, Merdes G, Kuan YH, Jung A, Beyreuther K, Kjaerulff O*, Kins S*. Axonal accumulation of synaptic markers in APP transgenic Drosophila depends onthe NPTY motif and is paralleled by defects in synaptic plasticity. European Journal of Neuroscience 2007, 25:1079-86. *Equal contribution.
14. Owe-Larsson B, Chaves-Olarte E, Chauhan A, Kjaerulff O, Brask J, Thelestam M, Brodin L, Low P. Inhibition of hippocampal synaptic transmission by impairment of Ral function. Neuroreport 2005, 16:1805-8.
15. Bloom O, Evergren E, Tomilin N, Kjaerulff O, Löw P, Brodin L, Pieribone VA, Greengard P, Shupliakov O. Colocalization of synapsin and actin during synaptic vesicle recycling. Journal of Cell Biology 2003, 161:737-47.
16. Merrywest SD, McDearmid JR, Kjaerulff O, Kiehn O, Sillar KT. Mechanisms underlying the noradrenergic modulation of longitudinal coordination during swimming in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. European Journal of Neuroscience 2003, 17: 1013-22.
17. Kjaerulff O, Verstreken P, Bellen HJ. Synaptic vesicle retrieval: still time for a kiss. Nature Cell Biology 2002, 4:245-8.
18. Shupliakov O, Bloom O, Gustafsson JS, Kjaerulff O, Low P, Tomilin N, Pieribone VA, Greengard P, Brodin L. Impaired recycling of synaptic vesicles after acute perturbation of the presynaptic actin cytoskeleton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2002, 99:14476-81.
19. Verstreken P*, Kjaerulff O*, Lloyd TE, Atkinson R, Zhou Y, Meinertzhagen IA, Bellen HJ. Endophilin mutations block clathrin-mediated endocytosis but not neurotransmitter release. Cell 2002, 109:101-12. *Equal contribution
20. Kjaerulff O, Kiehn O. 5-HT modulation of multiple inward rectifiers in motoneurons in intact preparations of the neonatal rat spinal cord. Journal of Neurophysiology 2001, 85:580-93.
21. Kiehn O, Kjaerulff O, Tresch MC, Harris-Warrick RM. Contributions of intrinsic motor neuron properties to the production of rhythmic motor output in the mammalian spinal cord. Brain Research Bulletin 2000, 53: 649-59.
22. Gad H, Ringstad N, Low P, Kjaerulff O, Gustafsson J, Wenk M, Di Paolo G, Nemoto Y, Crun J, Ellisman MH, De Camilli P, Shupliakov O, Brodin L. Fission and uncoating of synaptic clathrin-coated vesicles are perturbed by disruption of interactions with the SH3 domain of endophilin. Neuron 2000, 27:301-12.
23. Kiehn O, Sillar KT, Kjaerulff O, McDearmid JR. Effects of noradrenaline on locomotor rhythm-generating networks in the isolated neonatal rat spinal cord. Journal of Neurophysiology 1999, 82:741-6.
24. Eide AL, Glover J, Kjaerulff O, Kiehn O. Characterization of commissural interneurons in the lumbar region of the neonatal rat spinal cord. Journal of Comparative Neurology 1999, 403:332-45.
25. Kiehn O, Kjaerulff O. Distribution of central pattern generators for rhythmic motor outputs in the spinal cord of limbed vertebrates. Proceedings of the Annual New York Academy of Sciences USA 1998, 860:110-29.
26. Kjaerulff O, Kiehn O. Crossed rhythmic synaptic input to motoneurons during selective activation of the contralateral spinal locomotor network. Journal of Neuroscience 1997, 17:9433-47.
27. Kjaerulff O, Kiehn O. Distribution of networks generating and coordinating locomotor activity in the neonatal rat spinal cord in vitro: a lesion study. Journal of Neuroscience 1996, 16:5777-94.
28. Kiehn O., Kjaerulff O. Spatiotemporal characteristics of 5-HT and dopamine-induced rhythmic hindlimb activity in the in vitro neonatal rat. Journal of Neurophysiology 1996, 75: 1472-1482.
29. Kjaerulff O., I. Barajon, O. Kiehn (1994) Sulphorhodamine-labelled cells in the neonatal rat spinal cord following chemically induced locomotor activity in vitro. Journal of Physiology 478 ( Pt 2), 265-273. IF 4.9 4.5
30. Hounsgaard, J. & O. Kjaerulff (1992) Ca2+-Mediated Plateau Potentials in a Subpopulation of Interneurons in the Ventral Horn of the Turtle Spinal Cord. European Journal of Neuroscience 4, 183-188.