Old stamps

History :

The first Moroccan postal stamps were produced in 1891 by private companies which managed courier services between cities.

The system was replaced after a reorganization in 1911, the Sharifian post was created to handle local mail citation needed, and produced two series of stamps which were valid for use until 1915 and until 1919 in Tangier.

The postal history of Morocco is complex due to the country's political development in the 20th century. Mails were sent via post offices operated by the Sherifan post created by the Sultan, and by the European powers. After the partition of Morocco into French and Spanish protectorate and the international zone of Tangier in 1912, France and Spain established postal services in their respective zones.

Old Stamps #1

The first stamps of the protectorate appeared 1 August 1914, and were just the existing stamps with the additional overprint reading "PROTECTORAT FRANCAIS". The first new designs were in an issue of 1917, consisting of 17 stamps in six designs, denominated in centimes and francs, and inscribed "MAROC" in French and Arabic.

Old Stamps #2

Tangier, as an international zone, had French post offices which used the stamps of French Morocco overprinted with the name of the city. Spain also maintained post offices in Tangier which had stamps issued specifically for them. The British post offices in Tangier issued its own stamps in 1927. German post offices in Tangier opened until 1919.

Old Stamps #3

Spain began issuing postage stamps for Ifni, then a Spanish territory, in 1941, initially overprinting Spanish stamps with "TERRITORIO DE IFNI", then issuing new designs in 1943. Issues followed at the rate of about ten per year with the last on 23 November 1968. Most are commonly available and are more often seen unused than used.


with each collection they produce, they help people with making a sample instruction book for more interaction, and also celebrate a group of heroes for their honorable service to the country and sacrifice for the better interest of the country, solidify a number of national and international events .